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  1. L

    Texas Boy's and Girl's

    Got good rains last week. Filled up all the ponds. If only it would last through summer.
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    "interesting day at work" or "what would you have done"

    My husband is in the mobile home business. He says he would rather the homeowner not be there when work is done. I mean leveling a mobile can involve the use of sledge hammer and some really long screws. If the owner is there to see that they don't understand what's happening. He has one...
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    Book reccomendation part II

    Half Broke Horses is good. I read it about this time last year. The Help is good. Heck, I am a librarian and I can't think of anything right now... The Language of Flowers is good. I read a lot of young adult stuff. Making The Rounds With Oscar is good. Not a new book. I like non fiction. Just...
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    Food for a hangover

    My last hangover was unintentional but I don't think anyone sets out to get one. But exercise? In that state? Maybe running to the toilet...
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    Dec 7 1941

    My dad drooped out of high school in 1942 to enlist and served as a glider mechanic in Europe. He has lost a lot of his memories now, so I remember for him. I grieve for those who died and I celebrate those who served. What a terrible and wonderful time to be alive! Now, we are losing The...
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    Food for a hangover

    Gag me, that's what my husband does! How the he77 can you eat that? Two Tylenol pm's and lots of fluids. And carbs, bagels in particular. Haven't had one since the time I lost my glasses in the Gulf.
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    Could I ask for some prayers,please..

    Peg, it is really worth looking into. It isn't just for when passing is near. She has an illness that is likely terminal. Hospice will provide things like hospital beds, wheelchairs, other adaptive equipment that she may need, and most of all, support. A chaplain, nurses that can come in to...
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    Could I ask for some prayers,please..

    I trust that Hospice is aboard? They were so very helpful when my mom was passing. We used Alpha Omega and they were fantastic. Followed up with me for a full year afterward. Medicaid will pay for it fully. And I trust she is on Medicaid at this point. Fighting cancer is extraordinarily...
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    Second hand lions

    If you thought The Help was a good movie, the book is far and away better. I'm a librarian. Trust me! ;-)
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    Second hand lions

    It is a good little movie. The scenery is grand.
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    Could I ask for some prayers,please..

    I am so sorry. I will pray that both of you have strength. Hugs to you both.
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    LED lights

    Just not bright at all. You can hardly see them. The colors are pretty but there is no point in putting them up if you can't see them.
  13. L

    LED lights

    Trying to be all green and stuff, but the LED lights we bought suck. Tried them on the house and wound up using the old lights. How disappointing.
  14. L

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Off to Abilene, TX to the MIL. She is a great cook. Steve has to work Friday so we will back tomorrow night. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksging no matter what their plans. then Christmas... Whee.
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    Lost Lexie

    Thanks everyone.
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    Daughters new addition

    Amen Peg! I told to a friend of mine when she was pregnant. Everyone loves you when you are pregnant. After that baby is born, nobody cares about you. I remember my mom running out to the car, grabbing Steven, and running back inside while I just sat there. Love to see you too, Mom! I guess...
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    Rain drops keep falling on my head

    Depends on the gauge. :lol:
  18. L

    Daughters new addition

    Oh believe me, I see thar all the time. I went back to visit family in Oklahoma a few years ago and you would have never made me believe that my uncle would be standing there holding a little black grandbaby. It isn't the kids fault, though. I guess you gotta love what you get.
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    Daughters new addition

    One of my student aides had one of those last year. It drove me nuts for the 49 minutes she had it with me. I don't think Steve would like the, uh, tan on that kid.
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    Thanksgiving Early

    I don't get fancy when I cook. Everything is pretty well meat and taters. Thanks. I guess Canada already had their version of Thanksgiving, huh?