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  1. grubbie

    We can quit chasing epds now

    Sorry, I didn't see this. I don't get to the board very often. I have been well! Just started AI'ing this morning, so pretty busy. We have had more rain than I have EVER seen here. Still can't get out and cut hay, mud everywhere, dikes washing out......but still it is hard to complain about...
  2. grubbie

    We can quit chasing epds now

    "You don't have to be Bovines Only dot com!!!!"
  3. grubbie

    Dead calf

    "I walked over and flipped it’s head up from under its shoulders. It was like it was in a somersault position." Possibly suffocated in the way that it landed,.....didn't have the energy to right itself. Been there. Retained placenta can mean nutrition deficiencies. Put out protein tubs or blocks...
  4. grubbie

    AI'ing some heifers

    Reviving this 3 year old thread to add some notes that might help others who are having trouble AI'ing heifers as I was. I am still not very fast, but better than I was and more confident. It still takes me a couple minutes each, but I am confident I am getting it right. So, on to a few things I...
  5. grubbie

    AI'ing some heifers

    That's how I was when I went to the class 10 years ago, using older cows. The first one of these heifers took me close to 30 minutes, the last one probably 15 minutes. I get frustrated pretty easily, but I have been real good about taking my time and getting it right with this. Not ready to give...
  6. grubbie

    AI'ing some heifers

    Sure learning a lot,........a lot of things NOT to do. Did two more tonight. The first one went down in the chute, was darn near sitting on her ass. Lost a straw on that one. Reloaded and tried her again, she did it again. Turned her loose, didn't want to lose anymore straws. The next one went...
  7. grubbie

    AI'ing some heifers

    Too stubborn for that. I had an AI tech tell me that heifers were easier than cows, I disagree. But I will get this done even if it costs me the feeling I my left arm. :)
  8. grubbie

    AI'ing some heifers

    I'm not the fastest at inseminating, don't have a ton of experience at it. All I have done is older cows and I'm pretty confident in my ability. Today I did my first heifers, first AI after a ten year hiatus . I had a horrible time, can't get hold of the cervix on those little critters! I have...
  9. grubbie

    No more heifers, thank you.....

    I agree that it is normally a rewarding experience raising your own animals and trying to i mprove your herd. Maybe when I "retire" I can go back to calving heifers, but for now, working full time and no one to keep an eye on things, I think I will give it up for a while. We have a ton of grass...
  10. grubbie

    No more heifers, thank you.....

    I've had it. Thought I was sooooo smart. Doin all the right things, using low BW longhorn bulls on the heifers, feeding right, selecting good quality large heifers, has worked for my family for generations. It just gets worse every year. I have one heifer left to go. Have had to assist...
  11. grubbie

    Beginner - Cow

    Thinkin it's too late for that animal. Aharr, and learn. You waited way too long to get help.
  12. grubbie

    Loooong Night

    Sure hope you have some better luck the rest of the season. Been there.
  13. grubbie

    Longhorn calves

    If the cow is not wandering around bawling, she knows where it is. We have some cows that will keep them hidden for a week.
  14. grubbie

    Possible to overfeed bottle babys? & Fencing

    I seem to be out numbered here.....but; I have always given them what they will eat. If they want more, I will increase the feeding. With the medicated milk replacer I have seldom had trouble with scours. When I do, give them a bolus and they are generally off and running again. When the calves...
  15. grubbie

    Late heifers

    We calve heifers every year, we pretty much expect them to be one to two weeks late. That's just heifers. :)
  16. grubbie

    Weak Calf - One closed eye

    Exactly how I would advise doing it, but I will add; don't forget to watch for scours, it will most likely happen. Just have some sulfa boluses on hand. Good luck with your calf!
  17. grubbie

    Easiest Way To Synch?

    We use CIDR inserts and lute. Gets them all cycling together. Insert CIDR, on day 7 pull CIDR, give a shot of lute. Should all cycle in about 3 days. The protocol listed by the CIDR instructions says to give the lute at day 6, and pull the insert on day 7. We do both on day 7 just to save...
  18. grubbie

    Bottle Baby Questions

    We are unable to feed 3 times a day due to schedules. The bottle baby we have right now (1/2 longhorn, 1/2 baldie) was getting a gallon in the morning and a gallon in the evening by the time he was a week old. I figure if they want it, give it to 'em. Does get spendy though. He is now 3 months...
  19. grubbie


    I like to look at the info in the EPD, but I don't live and die by it by any means. If I like the look of the bull, but the EPD is less than stellar, I will probably ignore the EPD and purchase the bull. If I like the EPD, but don't like the look of the bull, Again I will probably ignore the...
  20. grubbie

    Bulls....How long can a good one last?

    I understand the reasons people use for line breeding, I still just don't agree with it. If I want to see how good a bull is, I look at his offspring as well. To each his own, not putting anyone elses practices down, just wanted to offer a perspective from the old school. I do not raise...