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  1. C

    Army worms-------Help a rookie

    Bf cut the hay and then watch closely when it comes back you may have to spray anyway.
  2. C

    Army worms have been bad in middle GA. this year.

    Bf there won't be any need to spray this weekend. They'll be gone and you'll be feeding hay. They'll eat you out of house and home in five days.
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    Army worms have been bad in middle GA. this year.

    One of our Russell fields was ready to cut when we found them, so we rolled it and the dang things about carried the hay off. Worst year for them I've ever seen. I'm in south Al.
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    Drought stressed pearl millet

    I bush hogged it today. I'm gonna give it a little bit to see of we get any meaningful rain before I do anything else. Don't won't to disc it in if it'll go to raining but don't want to disc it for winter pasture if it's not gonna rain either. :bang:
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    Drought stressed pearl millet

    It's going to seed and there's no rain in the forecast. I think I may bush hog it and let the cows in next week to graze the grass around the edge of the field.
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    Drought stressed pearl millet

    I've got a 7 acre field of pearl that hasn't had a rain in almost three weeks. It is wilted bad and burnt. I put 30 tons of litter on the field in April. My question is if I cut it for hay will the nitrate levels go down as it cures?
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    Hay Season 2014

    We are finishing up our second cutting here. Should get a third.
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    My new disc mower.

    Have you used it yet?
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    Hook, I planted my whole place last fall in hopes of grazing all spring but I thing the ice and snow may have killed it off.
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    Burnt hay

    Hay that is put up wet will go through a heat and will cook the inside black. I don't know of the Haag is any good but the cows will clean it all up.
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    Feeding Hay ???

    This is the first year I haven't had to start feeding hay already. Got a lot of stockpiled grass and probably will make it til mid December or later on no hay.
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    Hand planting coastal or russell

    I'm gonna plant a 5 acre patch behind the house in coastal or russell next spring. I'm gonna plant it by hand. Does anyone have any suggestions for me. Looking for what and when to spray the field and any tips on collecting the tops. Thanks. :compute:
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    South Alabama

    Heath, what part of south Alabama were you traveling through. Most pastures look ruff here because it was dry last month, but now we are getting plenty of rain now so the grass is taking off.
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    Silver bullet

    My experience with crab grass is that it doesn't grow slow than the rest, the cows just eat it as fast as it comes up. Its candy to them.
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    Anyone got a feel what grass seed prices will be?

    I'm seeing the same around here. I'm wanting to replant about 3 acres in tif9 but I'm afraid the seed is going to be too expensive. May just plant it in millet.
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    Vermeer Balers

    Normally I have notice on our baler, vermeer 504 super I, that when I hit the a new windrow to fast or a big wad of hay it will knock the twist up to the top of the baler.
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    russell bermuda grass

    Planted a field a couple years ago. Does great if you keep the worms out. We fertilize it hard with chicken litter then dress it with ammonia after every cutting. It did take it a good two years to really take off and we still have a few bare places that just grows crowfoot grass.
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    Pull drill with a P/U?

    Dun your probably right. I've never used one but I have been around them and they look a lot stouter than the picture lets you believe.
  19. C

    Pull drill with a P/U?

    You could get you one of these to pull with your four wheeler.
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    overseeding bahia and coastal with ryegrass

    Nope. It might let some weed seeds come up but that is the only down fall.