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  1. I

    Deworming timeframe prior to new Pasture turnout

    I need some expert advice on this as I have one chance to get it right. I will be moving some pairs to pastures that have not had any grazing animals for over 10 years, only hay cut and bushhogging. I want to deworm them where they are currently, and then haul to fresh pastures. Most of the...
  2. I

    $6,000 per AU too High?

    Great Advice Jogeephus. Where did you come up with Potential Income per acre divided by Interest rate? Very interesting. That would mean I would have to net $270 per AU, are if I figured 80% of 50 cows weaning a calf 40 calves to sell would have to net $337.50 each.
  3. I

    What is your Land value cost per AU?

    I thought it would quite interesting to see Regionally what your land value suitable for grazing is to sustain 1 AU. I will start. 2 Acres per AU, Pasture land sells for $3,000.00 per acre. I am in South, MS. $6,000 per AU
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    $6,000 per AU too High?

    I really appreciate the advice from all. Jogeephus; because of the proximity of land to our current homestead it would qualify for Homestead Exemption Tax Credits and Taxes would be only around $1,000 a year. cross 7; Hunters are what is driving our land prices up as well. I know it is my...
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    $6,000 per AU too High?

    Yes all that I will be buying is open useable grazing land. Land is selling for $3,000 per acre in our area and I can run 1 cow per 2 acres. Cows are already paid for would move them from a lease.
  6. I

    $6,000 per AU too High?

    Trying to look at this from strictly economically standpoint. If you were already established in the cattle business owned land and leased some, already have paid for tractors, squeeze chutes, headgates, stock trailer, catch pens, ATVs , trucks, etc. etc. Have a neighbor that has given me a...