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  1. H

    Rye/Barley for early spring hay

    Never tried the rye before. Have used barley as a nurse crop many times and it makes real good baleage. I know that rye will go from ready to cut to tree trunk stemmy in just a few days.
  2. H

    Rye/Barley for early spring hay

    Anyone ever mix cereal rye and barley to make hay/baleage in the early spring?
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    Sorghum Stalks

    Any reccomendations on sorghum stalk other than plowing?
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    I wasn't trying to jerk your chain or anything like that. That just popped or pooped into my mind while I was reading this topic about the rates on the labels changing almost yearly it seems
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    Unless this is updated DAILY then you need to look at the label because I have seen crossbow labels change three times in four years as far as rates on certain plants, etc. We use one rate across the board sometimes overkill others just right.
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    hey pinz 2qt. to 25 'll kill just about anything in our neck of the woods as far as brush goes.
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    What do you do to save time?

    Speaking of hay getting rained on. We got half a field baled and then it rained that afternoon, night and half the next morning. So we turned them over and let 'em dry out and I was expecting trash. But, it looks just as green and juicy as the rest of the field.
  8. H

    Mulberry bush killer

    Pushed out an old apple orchard to put some sudan grass in for now, barley in the fall and oats in the spring. Using the ground temporarily. What can I spray along with round up to kill broadleafs and mulberry bush stubble that won't affect seed germination. Have spray license so I can get...
  9. H

    Used JD or NH Haybine

    Around here you can get a good gas powered self propelled haybine with cab and air and a 12-14' head for $3-6 grand. The only problem like the rest of those around us is that you can't get down the roads anymore too safely anyway because of all of the traffic.
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    Big Square Question

    It's funny how the 3x3 balers can vary weight wise. The NH we use weighed in at a pretty consistent 780lbs. 7 1/2' long. My friends JD is running about the same weight for 3x3x6's.
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    Sudangrass is shoulder high...

    I would love to see these responses because, I didn't get many when I posted about it. Just planted mine two weeks ago and it's about 12-15 inches high
  12. H

    Wet Hay

    preservative works great, check out hay gard, you use much less 2lb./ton dry 1lb./ ton high moisture bale dry up to 30% we've baled dry as high as 40% and had no mold issues.
  13. H

    Sudan Grass again

    Bought this stuff through Pennington seed, so I thought, dealer got it from someone else. "same stuff"???? :roll: Either way I can't find cutting recomendations on this stuff for dry hay, reading a lot about sorghum, etc. some say every 24" with 4" stubble height and N after each cut. With 4"...
  14. H

    Wheat rolled up for baleage

    First person I've ever met that can predict rolls to the acre, Wrapping crew?? Do it by myself all the time. 7 People??? You don't want to wrap anything until you check the moisture content as it rises a couple of percentage points after it's in the bale.
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    Wheat rolled up for baleage

    before it heads out? dough stage? or when do your buddies prefer?
  16. H

    Wheat rolled up for baleage

    Any body roll wheat. Had a gentlemen let us use some acreage this past fall, this year and is going to let us plant it again in this fall and we did barley last fall, sudan grass just planted this past week and was thinking of trying wheat this go round.
  17. H

    Hay baling price poll

    We get $19.50/roll 4x5 NH Net, cut rake mow and carried/hauled to barn storage place and stacked. High Moisture we get $22/roll All of this is assuming were not mowing 20 acres for 10 rolls of hay. We figure that it costs us $11.?? a roll just in fuel, equipment, materials
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    Glad to see the rain today, slow and steady rain on most of the northeast.. We just put nitrogen on a good sized hay field last week, and now this rain should make for a pretty good second cutting.
  19. H

    Sudan Grass

    Anybody have experience with sudan grass? tons per acre, harvest timing?
  20. H

    Net wrap?

    2 for dry 3 for high moisture