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  1. TLCfromARK

    Pasture Burning

    Here is a link to some good info on burning. ;-)
  2. TLCfromARK

    My new 270 winchester

    Beautiful gun! Does it shoot as good as it looks? ;-)
  3. TLCfromARK

    Fire ant bites!

    The hot water ( or hot air out of a hair dryer for hard to reach places :oops: ) takes the itch out for me whether it's ant bites or poison ivy. Don't know what it is but it works. ;-)
  4. TLCfromARK

    For Brett Favre fans...

    Brett Favre, after living a full life died. When he got to heaven, God was showing him around. They came to a modest house with a faded Packers’ flag in the window. “This house is yours for eternity, Brett” said God. “This is very special, not everyone gets a house up here.” Brett felt special...
  5. TLCfromARK

    Daughters Breaks Deerhunt

    Nice deer, great scenic view! It must be hard to look for deer when there is such a grand landscape to look at. Do you have whitetails in the river bottoms along with the mule deer? ;-)
  6. TLCfromARK

    Rifle for deer

    I've bought 5 Model 700s over the years, .270s for the wife & daughter, 30-06s for the boys and one 243 that is for grandkids or anyone needing a light kicking gun. I love the Model 700 but I use a pre 64 Winchester Model 70 featherweight, 308 cal. that I've had for ~25 years. Just can't stop...
  7. TLCfromARK

    First deer of the season

    Yeah, I've had a inline for close to 10 years and really like it. It's a "White", I don't think they make them anymore but I'd buy another one if I could find one. ;-)
  8. TLCfromARK

    First deer of the season

    You're right, I'm tied up on a big shutdown right now and made a mistake. :oops: It normally starts on the weekend around the 20th. and I didn't check before I posted, sorry about the mis infomation. Either date I'm not going to get to hunt. ;-)
  9. TLCfromARK

    Christmas comes early!!!!!

    Sounds like you must have been very good this year for Santa to bring your presents this early. I'm just hoping that I don't get a lump of coal this year. :oops: ;-)
  10. TLCfromARK

    First deer of the season

    Congrads. on your deer, nothing like fresh back strap, tators, gravy and cat head biscuits! It looks like I'm going to miss blackpowder season in Arkansas, it opens Oct. 20 and I'm hung up at work until the 1st. of Nov. :mad: Do you one of the newer inlines or the old side lock? ;-)
  11. TLCfromARK

    Hunting on 5 Acres

    I know what you mean JoJee, they have their right to hunt their property. What bothers me is when they put a ladder stand on the woodline of their place but it's facing over on my place. The only thing they can say is the stand is on their side of the line. They can't see anything in the...
  12. TLCfromARK

    my sister attacked by her dog

    I vote for Crowder, SSS. There is no reason to keep a biting dog around, accidental or other wise. I can think of no good reason to have a Pit bull or a Chow. JMO ;-)
  13. TLCfromARK

    Scared, very scared

    Don't know about Beefy's area but in Arkansas & Texas they are little orange & black bugs. We call them telephone bugs, they say hello and then they hang up. ;-)
  14. TLCfromARK

    Stun Gun

    ...until it is dislodged from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor. A three second burst would be considered conservative. SON-OF-A-%#&**%#... that hurt!!! A minute or so later (I can't be sure, as time was a relative thing at that point), I collected my wits (what little I had...
  15. TLCfromARK

    Tales from the Hunt

    Yes I remember how bad they were. I hunted that one time out of a baker and it was enough for me. I've seen the tree lounge stand but never hunted out of it. The "Old man" two part stands are nice also. I've started hunting more and more out of tripods and ladder stands over the last ten...
  16. TLCfromARK

    Tales from the Hunt

    I never owned one but one of my brothers did and loaned it to me back in the early 70's with min. instructions on it's use. ( I still haven't figured out why he was mad at me ) I found a nice straight big Pine on the edge of a clear cut and made it up about 25 feet or so and hunted all...
  17. TLCfromARK

    SEC this weekend

    Even 1969 was a long time ago. Where is the Hog's defense? It may be a long year for the Razorback nation. ;-)
  18. TLCfromARK

    How much "House Wood"?

    You're right, there are two rick cords ( 24" X 4' X 8' ) and three rick cords ( 16" X 4' X 8' ) but how ever you do it a full cord is 4' X 4' X 8' over all. Boogie we have the same problem with our wood burning stove, too hot in the living areas but pretty chilly in the back part of the house...
  19. TLCfromARK

    Best Bull names you've heard....

    We had a Braford bull for awhile that we called Jughead. ;-)