Recent content by adammck15

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    Key words but what do they mean, how do you do it?

    That would be awesome! Again, I’m still just kind of coming up with a rough plan, but the little bit I read about it, it sounded very interesting! Thank you!
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    Key words but what do they mean, how do you do it?

    I’m curious if anyone here farms with tall prairie grasses? I’ve seen some videos and articles on it with guys saying it’s healthier for the ground, the microorganisms, and the cattle. Just. Curious what you all think. Before anyone judges me, I’m usually just a fly on the wall in these threads...
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    I can make money selling freezer beef

    Hmm sounds like a group of small beef producers need to group together and form either a whole processing company that they all hold shares to, or some sort of co-op. As long as the processing plant pays for it’s own operating cost, the ranchers get cheaper processing costs and ready...
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    Ancient White Park

    From what I have heard/read, the white and black markings belong to a lot of different, hardly related breeds, and can even show up in Texas Longhorns. Like SBMF said, it’s very dominant. I have heard the British White are very docile, it very well could be the Ancient White Park (which is what...
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    Ancient White Park

    I’ve recently been really interested in this breed and reached out to the U.K. White Park (not to be confused with British White or American White Park) Society. They have frozen semen available to be shipped, and possibly embryos too. Just curious, is anyone else interested in this breed? They...
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    Paternal vs Maternal in Crossbreeding

    Stickney94 very interesting and good point! I live in a very agricultural area, but work in an area where I have heard some of the local restaurants have even approached people who were not raising Wagyu and asked them to do so for them. Hoping that I can bust into the market there. I have been...
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    Paternal vs Maternal in Crossbreeding

    What I want to do (although I know many people will say there are better crosses, and I’m sure there are) Is try for a British white/Wagyu cross. I think the hardiness/mothering ability of the British white along with the quality of the Wagyu (And maybe if I can breed out the speckling, the...
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    Paternal vs Maternal in Crossbreeding

    I don't mean to sound stupid or ask a stupid question, but in a lot of my research I seem to come back to one question, and I can't find an answer for it. When setting up a crossbreeding program, does it matter which parent is which? For example, if you wanted to breed an Angus to a Charolais...