Well the cows came home

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2021
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Riverton Wyoming
I was at the ranch the last three days, Thursday we moved cows. I was a beautiful day, not to cold and not to hot with a nice little breeze every so often. Not bad for the middle of October. We had plenty of help for a change, and it was a good thing, The owner is was more of a warm body on a horse (me). The horse I was riding is about as lazy as they come, had to keep feeding him iron all day, and the last three miles I was almost a foot with him. He just didn't want to do anymore, and I am sore from the ride. I'm not used to those long rides, I had only gotten in three rides this year, and the first two were not very long rides at all. I need to ride more; maybe I should get a horse and do my irrigating with the horse. Just maybe I would be in shape for those 12 mile rides, well it was probably more than that because I didn't ride in a straight line. The pasture is 9 mile long and 3 miles wide. The good thing we got all of them, well except that the one that died out there. A friend of mine found her, thought about cutting off her tag, but she was stinking to much. I kept thinking I was missing bull, well on the way to the neighbors corals, out in their gathering pasture there was my missing bull, and one cow. I'm very glad I don't have to go back to try and find any missing critters.

Your weather on the desert that day is a rare thing in the fall. Most years we sort calves off to wean on South Pass wearing dust masks and ski goggles.

It really doesn't take that much riding to get into shape enough for the longer rides. A couple times a week for 30-45 minutes for a couple weeks ahead can help a lot before making the 10-15 mile circle on gather day.
Your weather on the desert that day is a rare thing in the fall. Most years we sort calves off to wean on South Pass wearing dust masks and ski goggles.

It really doesn't take that much riding to get into shape enough for the longer rides. A couple times a week for 30-45 minutes for a couple weeks ahead can help a lot before making the 10-15 mile circle on gather day.
Yep. I have not seen very many windless days around Rawlins. I didn't do much riding this year. Once in late June to move a neighbors bull, First of August to move the cows into the pasture they were in. Probably only rode a couple of miles both rides.
We preg checked the cows today. Four open out of 65, although there is a chance they could be bred, the were just pulled off the bulls about two weeks ago. I am going to send them down the road here in a couple weeks. This morning the cows and calves came into the corals very well, and worked well when I sorted of the calves, but this afternoon those cows just didn't work well. Maybe I should have fed them this morning, or it could be because of the storm that is coming in. It really cooled down once we got all done. It is supposed to snow tonight.

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