overseeding pasture

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2005
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What would you overseed a pasture on sandy soil in the north country? Would you overseed in the spring just before thaw?
Arctic Orchard Grass and 3 year Red Clover.

Search for Northland Seeds Ltd.

Frost seed "hard seed" like clover and wait till normal planting time for "soft seed" like OG.
Most areas have clovers that are well adapted to that area. You can get it trouble with some of the highly advertised seed grown in the (mild) west coast.

My local seed dealers usually stock two red clover varieties - - a cheap one with poor to average persistence and a better (more expensive) one expected to last "three year"s.

I don't buy cheap seed, nor the 5 dollar a pound just released seed.
Didn't know that there was such a thing. Used to when I would go to Co-op, I would ask for red clover seed and that is what they sold me. They didn't put a name to the seed like "Freedom!" Of course that was several years ago.
Generally red clover only lasts three years. The first year to establish, second year is very good growth, third year production has dropped of quite a bit. I frost seed some red clover every other year so that I always have a lot in my pastures. That way you don't have years where there is just a little in the fields.


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