i.m lost for an answer

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Feb 24, 2019
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I pulled my bull on july 31 last year. one old cow (7) 6 new heifers. The first calf was born a month ago 5 days late. The second was a heifer born to my old cow . I have had nothing out of the other five heifers the have not built a bag or grown any teats. Not a one has come into heat other then the first heifer. Last spring they where all coming into heat before I turned the bull out. MY calculator says they should be done last Wednesday. Anybody I talk too has never heard of this and I,m pulling my hair out. I loaned out my bull after july and the cows he bred at my buddies place are bagging up now.Any idea whats going on I am about to ship them all.
If you loaned your bull to someone else and their cows are bagging 2 things come to mind: Not sure where you're from but in my neck of the woods, July 31 is rotten hot and that can definitely inhibit both the bull & cow. The 2nd thing is the possibility of your herd being bred but aborting due to Lepto, Neosporosis, pine needles or something else.
Hook2.0 said:
buckshotbob said:
Sty are not cycleing now though or haven,t all winter

Preg check them
Yup. I have one heifer left - way behind the others. Worked cattle last weekend & was going to glove up when she was in the chute but checked her teats first & they all have milk, though a small bag but she's big as a barn. Have no clue why she's so late unless she aborted early & bred back before I pulled the bulls.
That's only ten months, I would definitely sell the heifer that is still in heat,now. I bet the other ones will be along shortly.

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