cow with upward curved hooves and walking a little lame..anyone had this happen?

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Aug 6, 2022
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cow with upward curved hooves and walking a little lame..anyone had this happen?
I have an older angus cow , she looks likes she wearing Aladdin slippers. She is not foundered. Genetic and on the list to go . Had her feet trimmed 3 years ago and they have grown back out . Milk wagon and raises the best steer in the pasture.
Usually happens to cows with names and that have been fed a lot of grain.
Thankfully you will have the advantage of a good market.
You will do better next time I'm sure.
Listen to the folks on here. You will learn a lot,
I've had a few cows with toes that curl inward. If she's a good cow otherwise I just have her feet trimmed once a year. I'd definitely cull at first missed calf though.
It has happened to us too…commercial shorthorn. Trimmed her feet as a three year old and three years later her toes are getting long again but thankfully haven't curled up like the first time. Poor feet genetics. Will likely have to touch her up again cause raises one of the top heavy weights and always pregnant…the cranky, bad featured ones never "slip up" cause she knows she's on "the list".
Back when I was managing our dairy, we would run every cow into the stall to check/trim her feet at dry up... and we got pretty good at it. Reason for this protocol was first because they were on concrete alot, which tends to cause their feet to grow long, and second, if they did have a foot problem during lactation, it'd really hurt their production. Third, if we did end up trimming a little too close and made 'em bleed, it wouldn't affect their milk production at that point, and by the time they calved they'd be all healed up again. We knew the animals in our herd, and their feet issues. Had one cow that just had terrible feet, walked way down on her dewclaws, and grew long toes because of her feet/leg conformation, had to trim her a couple times a year... Well, she had twin heifer calves... So we took a good look at those calves right from birth and sure enough, they were already bad right from the get go.

If they start life out that way, then their bones won't be able to grow right, and you'll never have a "good legged animal". So we started trimming those two calves from about 4 months old, and about every 3 months from that point to fully grown and calved, to straighten them up and get 'em walking right, and to get their bones grown right. It worked... we got 'em straightened up, and they really didn't have any foot problems as "adults"............ but guess what their calves feet looked like, even though we were selecting for really good feet and leg bulls on them............... You guessed it... they also needed to be straightened up as calves..................

We thought we were being really good herd managers... BUT.... what would have been the best way to correct their bad feet, and our "work issues" in the herd for this "problem"?... As gcreekrch said, "Kill plants do the best job of trimming feet. Bull breeders who perpetuate the problem should be exposed for the number chasing wreckers they are."
If the toes are curling up on the hind feet, it very well could be a conformation defect...
weak pasterns allow that to happen.
Daphne, my old Jersey, would get long one claw of one hind foot. We just put her in a chute and trimed the overgown edges with horse trimmers. Now, Honeydew, a heifer, is getting a little splayed on one front foot. I just tie her and pick up that foot like a horse and take a file to it. A hind foot problem for a dairy cow is worse than a front I have been told because of the udder weight of milk.
As a commercial operator, there's no way I'd ever trim any of my cow's feet unless there was an infection. I do not have the time or money to mess with that. I have several 12+ year old cows that have never had any problems with their feet.

I agree very much with gcreekrch - seed stock producers - bulls and cows - must have good feet. This is just as important as any measurable production trait.

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