An Unhappy One

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
I just ran to the post office. Coming back down the driveway and started across the bridge. There was a big rattler sort of between the last bridge deck board and the edge of the concrete. I stopped on the bridge. He wasn't very happy about my interrupting what ever it was I was interrupting. He was probably less happy when I used my shovel to chop off his head. Had 11 rattles. The river was handy to toss his headless rattle less body into. The crawdads can dine on snake for lunch.
You have mentioned on here a few times I think about getting the dogs vaccinated against bites. Had a buddy lose a horse to one this week so just curious what you think of it and do they do the horses too or just dogs? I know they make it for horses.
You have mentioned on here a few times I think about getting the dogs vaccinated against bites. Had a buddy lose a horse to one this week so just curious what you think of it and do they do the horses too or just dogs? I know they make it for horses.
When dad worked for Warren Livestock he had a horse that would get bit on the nose every spring. The poor thing could hardly breath for awhile, but it always recovered.
You have mentioned on here a few times I think about getting the dogs vaccinated against bites. Had a buddy lose a horse to one this week so just curious what you think of it and do they do the horses too or just dogs? I know they make it for horses.
I have never heard of anyone here vaccinating horses for snake bite. Some do the dogs, some don't. Within a fairly small geographic area snakes are real common and just a few miles away fairly rare. Before we bought this place the realtor said this place was snaky. This was #11 for me this year. They say if you kill a lot of the little foot long button rattlers you are close to their den. We kill some of those every year close to the house and a fair number of those on the other side of the river just up stream from the house. So I am situated between two different dens. Neighbor just down the road kills snakes by his house every year. They are always bigger snakes. No little or even medium size ones.
Yikes…no thank you. We have garter snakes and that is enough. My kids love catching them. We do have rattlers in Alberta but thankfully it is too cold and wet where we live.