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  1. vbd

    More baby ankle-biter (Dexter) pictures.

    Great pics...especially Donkey-o-tee! Would love to have that barn... ;-) Stay after that graduate degree...and thanks for serving our country! Van
  2. vbd

    any tricks on banding

    Yep, what Suzie David said! Like most things in life, the first time you do it, seems difficult...or at least to me it do it without thought or effort. :D Van
  3. vbd

    Questions. Please help!

    I agree with way this baby is 6 months. Alice and I have one that looks very much like her and she is smaller than our herefords, but growing well. I am a novice as well; however, this is what I would do with her... Give her a shot of A, D & E and B complex vitamins, hit her with...
  4. vbd

    feeding calves

    Well, in that case, as Alice said, we use a good starter-grower. It contains things for the younger calves that bulk feed does not. I will not say it grows them faster, but I think it is better for them health wise. As they get older and bigger, we switch them to bulk feed without any issues...
  5. vbd

    feeding calves

    For clarification...Alice's post was in regards to bottle calves. I would agree with Bama if they are momma weaned and 400-500 pounders. Ours are usually 100-150 pounds (some smaller) when weaned from a bottle and we put them on starter-grower until they get older/larger and transition them to...
  6. vbd

    dairy calves ?

    Where are you getting your calves? What breed? How do you house them? What are you feeding them, how much, how often? Lots of info missing to offer specifics...Milkmaid always has excellent advise... Raising bottle babies is tough...period! Good luck! Van
  7. vbd

    Beef Basics

    Good morning Dun... Have you taken any of these courses? If so, what did you think of them? If not, are you going to? Interesting link...thanks Van
  8. vbd

    Heifer chasing Coyote?

    This was a couple of hereford heifers (6 and 7 mo) and I thought they were just playing, then spotted the coyote! It was an interesting sight and a good race! Funny thing, when they got the coyote run off, they were the first to the feed! Guess all that work made em hungry! :lol: Another...
  9. vbd

    Heifer chasing Coyote?

    OK, the city boy in me is gonna come out...again... :oops: I just went to feed and witnessed a couple of our young heifers chasing a coyote! We have heard them, but never seen any on our property until this morning. Years ago I had friends that raised greyhounds to run coyotes and these...
  10. vbd

    Best way to raise baby dairy calves

    Man, what a difference location makes! :shock: I was at the sale on Friday (Erath County Dairy Sales, Stephenville, Texas) and the price of babies has fallen drastically over the last month. I saw one bull calf bring over $100 ($110 and he was an exceptional black calf), with the majority...
  11. vbd

    Is This Bumblefoot ? pics

    We have purchased a number of calves at the sale barn that look this way...never had one that failed to straighten up yet... :D I have seen them walk with them turned completely under (which is what I think Dun is referring to) and they have straighened up in a short time. If the calf is...
  12. vbd

    Stupid Question

    I am! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Van
  13. vbd

    Stupid Question to the original / ATV?..It's your money, but whatever you wish and need to even justify your choice. I read into you messages that you enjoy what your are doing and from my seat there is no value to be placed on enjoyment. Caustic...I made a choice...
  14. vbd

    here you go Alice, this ones for you

    Alice would respond....but the drooling on her keyboard must have shorted something out! :roll: Van When should we pick the calf up... :?: :lol:
  15. vbd

    Warning: Don't get knocked sensless like I did...

    While the following is true...the sad fact is I didn't know enough at the time to even know any better... :oops: My brother-in-law was going to be out of town and asked me to doctor a REALLY sick calf...about a 400 pounder...for him while he was away. Alice was gone that morning and I found...
  16. vbd

    Hobby farmer

    I have no idea where I fall in the equation of hobby / part-timer. I know I was fortunate enough to have met and married a wonderful woman raised on a dairy and had been around cattle all her life. Me, I thought the only beef of interest came medium-rare! :D However, I have come to love...
  17. vbd

    I need update!

    The vet says not to worry about her feet...not uncommon for heifer calf... :shock: He is afraid we did not get the first problem completely cleared up, so 24cc Nuflor SQ, 5cc banamine IM, Excede in the ear. Another 24cc Nuflor SQ on Wednesday. Bloodwork showed elevated white cell count...
  18. vbd

    I need update!

    Here is a pic...does not look thin to me, but if I knew anything wouldn't be here asking questions... :( When she was at the vet a few weeks ago, he checked her for worms and said she was very clean and he thought she looked good for her age! I am taking her to the vet in the morning! All...
  19. vbd

    I need update!

    OK, now I can really show my ignorance... :oops: How do they get foundered? How does one go about trimming the feet? She is in with two other heifers and a bull calf, all approximately the same age and the rest are OK. This heifer got sick about three weeks ago and I took her to the vet...
  20. vbd

    I need update!

    This is a 5 month old hereford heifer. She looks like her feet need to be trimmed. She walks as though they hurt and it looks like they would. What do I do? Van