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  1. snake67

    Older bred cows

    They do not sell cattle - they sell ranches - and that means they often sell the cows too Call them and talk to them Bez
  2. snake67

    Any advice on low roughage feeding calves

    Before you jump into something, why not go to the place you are thinking on buying your feed and having their feed specialist actually come out to talk to you about this. While there is a good number of people on this board that are up on nutrition, the best and in my opinion - the only way -...
  3. snake67

    Older bred cows

    Depends on how many you want, what you are prepared to pay to get them and how far you will go to get them. Several dispersal sales in western Canada coming up - check the Ritchie Brothers Auction company - they are North America wide. Bez
  4. snake67

    lost two calves, what is going on?

    66% mortality - not bad at all - even a few will survive no matter how bad you treat them. For some one who says he knows nothing about cows and calves you are awful certain it was in good shape. It might be cut open and there might be food in its gut but that does not mean it is getting...
  5. snake67

    lost two calves, what is going on?

    You starved them to death. Starved them. Think on that. Weaned at 150 pounds? Never going to happen. They do not live on hay and grain at that age - fellow that sold them to you either lied or you are not being up front. Either way the result is the same. Check out my first line in this...
  6. snake67

    Barn quote

    If I could get something like that built in my area for under $30K I would have it started asap. I cannot believe the pricing Whoever is doing this is not making much on it Grab this deal asap Bez
  7. snake67

    Remodeled barn and cow pics

    Makes my 120 year old barn with a leaky roof and plastic sheeting lining the walls to keep out the wind look pretty poor. I was hoping to get power there a few years ago - we still run on an extension cord I never was able to keep up with the Jones families Looks good - real good Bez
  8. snake67

    Need advice/help

    We have pretty good ground around here and there is no way you will "make money" on 70 acres - it is a hobby farm in my mind. Well, I suppose you might make a couple hundred buck - but the expenses are going to be high and the income is going to be low. But .... he will get a tax write off...
  9. snake67

    Newbie! Questions... Please don't shoot me!

    All below is my opinion and mine alone - there will be many who disagree. In the end decisions you make will have far reaching consequences - good or bad - so have your ducks in a row before committing. I also want to let you know that Caustic is a crusty old f@rt who sometimes speaks without...
  10. snake67

    Newbie! Questions... Please don't shoot me!

    Check the responses embedded in your original signal Put your location down - we have no clue where you live - cow and horse husbandry in Florida is very different from that same animal husbandry in northern Canada - no one is interested in stalking you but if you want reasonably accurate...
  11. snake67

    New Farmer what to buy??

    Always put your location in your header - it does matter Caustic is a mean and crusty old f@rt who has opinions on almost everything - and he will tell it straight up Listen to him. John is a good guy with a friendly manner about him - he gave you good advice - now be sure to respond to it -...
  12. snake67

    From birth to the table

    My wife regularly speaks to this issue as a rep on the local Cattleman's Board. Essentially it is a matter of educating the public with truth about where food really comes from - and she is good at it. Myself - well, I am not so good at it. Be that as it may, I always respond with - "The...
  13. snake67

    How much feed is "enough"?

    Well, you can talk all you want but unless you know the feed value of your hay you might be throwing money away. Anything discussed here is nothing more than a guess. Test it You might find you need nothing at all - that is what you should be working towards Bez
  14. snake67

    Bustin ice! Question for northern guys.

    I heat the trough - never have ice in it - sooner or later the sides ice up and the thing freezes solid if you have water in it - even when you break the ice Whatever works for you is the best method in my opinion. Bez
  15. snake67

    How far is too far

    30 minutes after you leave cow tries to have a calf and has a leg back - more than a day to see her again means a dead one - might not have happened yet - but it will - always does if you have any number of animals - calving ease bulls does not mean mal presentations do not happen. Good luck Bez
  16. snake67

    How far is too far

    Animals always stay home - unless it is a feed issue - always cheaper to truck cows to feed than feed to cows If you have to drive more than a few minutes it is too far - JMHO But - people will do what is required. Fuel, wear and tear and travel time and emergency travel ..... All come into...
  17. snake67

    Do you partner with your vet?

    Ah yes - the on farm consultation. Two in our case because one does cattle and the other does sheep. Come to the house - drink a coffee - go to the barn or field and get a tour of the operation - and say good bye until needed. Generally about two weeks later a bill for about $175 shows up for...
  18. snake67

    What do you do when you get too big

    Most people on this board and most people involved in local community agriculture live in a very small bubble. While what I will say might tick a few folks off - when has that ever stopped me - the message of "sustainable agriculture" has very deep roots and is agenda driven by many people the...
  19. snake67

    Is castration necessary?

    Tim Sales in my part of Canada are usually very different from the US of A Even big sales often only have one or two order buyers and a few singleton buyers - and if there is a good selection of animals available there will be more than a little collusion between the two or three buyers in the...
  20. snake67

    Is castration necessary?

    Deepsouth As with anything - in a business - money talks. If you are not going to see a difference in your receiving price then why throw money away? If you are going to see a difference to the positive then obvioulsy it is worth the time and money to do the work. All the feed lots here will...