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  1. pdfangus

    Rotational Grazing

    this is what I was going to suggest .....using an alley rather than a pie shape....often the far ends of pie slices do not get grazed evenly and the close ends are abused. the more paddocks you have and the more often you move them the better your grass will be. avoid over grazing and...
  2. pdfangus

    What happened to my daughter??

  3. pdfangus

    Can you plant wildlife plots seeds for cattle and horses to to graze

    I have been using multi species mixes to graze horses and cattle for about ten years... My local feed store has a summer mix and two fall mixes that we created and he sells a few tons of seed from these mixes every year. I do not recommend the mixes to other horse folks because horse folks are...
  4. pdfangus

    Preg Checking

    it helps the vets calibrate their arm if you can give them exact days bred....I had a good vet and he told me one time that my breeding records helped him a lot and he had checked thousands of cows....the vet I am using now was his protege and she uses 75 days she can sex...
  5. pdfangus

    Promises kept

    GREAT TO HEAR.... my best friend and my riding buddy is just coming out of a battle with cancer... docs think they have it on the run and he is getting better but the treatment darn near took him away from us. We are planning to go riding again as soon as he is a little stronger...
  6. pdfangus

    docility of the bull causing his calves to not be aggresive nursers

    I don't think it has anything to do with the bulls disposition....
  7. pdfangus

    Better photos get better opinions

    ditch the phone and use a cheap 35 millimeter digital....much better photos....yeah you have to download them.... I have a little Canon that is probably 10 or 12 years old and it is much easier to use than the one in my fancy new phone...and I think it takes better pictures....
  8. pdfangus

    Excuse me, I'm venting

    I am a firm believer in Murphys Law...
  9. pdfangus

    Question about cattle

    That is the best price I have ever heard of.....
  10. pdfangus


    i have removed mine after witnessing a near miss one time several years ago...glad I saw it.... cow riding another thru the gate.
  11. pdfangus

    New Venture Ideas

    I know a guy who even did that with his goats....all his females were et recips for another breeder for a year or two... it takes top quality management....folks are not gonna pay a premium for dead calves or dinks who did not get enough to eat... if you do stockers...a relationship with your...
  12. pdfangus

    This is why I love cubes...

    i use them more to teach animals to come to call....when I call em I feed the ones who come and pretty soon they are all coming...good way to introduce them to rotational grazing as well....once they learn to come to call they will come to you if you are near a fence and sneeze...
  13. pdfangus

    This is why I love cubes...

    When I worked at the farm in Ohio I got to unload a semi trailer load every year and stack them in the barn....then I got to feed several bags daily....thank god I was young and strong and stupid....
  14. pdfangus

    This is why I love cubes...

    I am on a dividing line East of me there are pitiful few cows Most laND is cash grain with some vegetable prodution West of me is rolling land and as you go west the herds even get good sized
  15. pdfangus

    This is why I love cubes...

    tons is not even an option around here I have been looking at prices this morning since clicking on this thread my avaialbe sources all in fifty lb bags. some have quantity price breaks base prices per fifty lb bag CFC Farmers Coop 12.54 purina web site price via local dealer 12.99...
  16. pdfangus

    This is why I love cubes...

    what amount of cubes are you buying for that price?
  17. pdfangus

    This is why I love cubes...

    the local stores around here will special order them but not enough folks use them to get the stores to stock in all honesty the two stores have mostly horse and homesteader and gardener customers...plenty of alpaca and rabbit feed and ten lines of horse feed... i needed some cubes...
  18. pdfangus


    have to make a post to see what mine says... well even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then....
  19. pdfangus


    I had a couple in the late 70s and early 80s Most memorable was a Ford six cylinder half ton with a granny gear and positive traction. I could put chains on that thing and feed hay thru two feet of unbroken snow....this was before every body had big bales. We used to put up around 100,000...
  20. pdfangus


    Just like in every thing else...agricultural people are too independent minded to agree on anything