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  1. M

    30 rolls of hay in middle tn.

    yep and even some of the same threats! seems like the guy just cannot control himself, nor his need to intimidate others, go take your meds again TTCLM-CATTLEMANFROMOUTERSPACE-TENNESEECATTLEMAN, or whatever new name you will use in the future
  2. M

    Custom grazing

    [?" L Hey, one more thing. If you ever get over near Georgetown GA, when you come across the bridge from Eufaula AL just as you come off the bridge look to your right, I developed and built that camp ground. Then go down the lake about 2 miles and check out Winding Ways estate and then go down...
  3. M

    Info at sale barn

    they only preg check at the request of the seller prior to sale, and at the sellers cost. i tell them if they have been wormed, and or how long wiened, etc. bull exposed or not! all preg checked cows that come thru the barns i frequient are marked as to trimester prior to sale. if a cow comes...
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    Beginner's Darwin Award/ Not All People Should Own Cattle!!

    i once hauled 3 jersey calves in the back of a station wagon, they were really scoured and honestly didn't expect 2 of them to make it but it was either get them and get gone or they guys was gonna feed them to his dogs, i didn't think he was gonna kill them first either, had a pack of mongerals...
  5. M

    When do you pull a calf?

    no i think she was refering to the use of the ATV to actually pull the calf, not my way of choice but if it works for you go for it
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    What wonderful weather we have

    24 on my patio his morning 26 yesterday, this is in sw ariz. where i freeze maybe 2-3 times a yr, my stocktanks had almost 3/8" of ice on them, burrrrrrrr to think i left the midwest for this :D worst part of it the rain they promised didn't show :( where is this global warming everyone i...
  7. M

    Ethanol, corn prices and whining janitors.

    it appears to me the one doing all the whining is not A+ but the one who started the post! a+ keep on posting, i may not agree with you all of the time but at least you bring up very good points
  8. M

    Sustainable Beef Production.

    big burr under your saddle fellow! CB probabally has forgotten more about cattle and ranching than you will ever know! good read CB
  9. M

    Thanks Little Man!

    :D :D :D he is just pi$$ed off cause he has painted himself into a corner and cannot figure out a way to get out gracefully
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    Caustic and Missing the Point

    and those that dislike CB are the ones that can't back up their claims! CB keep on keeping on, you are a big plus to the board
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    tame, workable, not flighty YES a pet no, if i want a pet i'll get a goldfish, there are a lot of stories out there about people being hurt and or killed by animals that everyone said was soooooooo sweet and gentle, the just do not understand how it could hurt anyone, those that choose to...
  12. M

    Stupid Question

    well said :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :D
  13. M

    cattle prods

    one thing for sure you can tell the ones who have pets for livestock
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    cattle prods

  15. M

    cattle prods

    no alice not mouth to Gods ear! but his experence to good use! oh i know your ancestors were top dairy men! that makes you the resident expert! you bottlefeed calves that makes you an expert on handling stubborn livestock. do not get me wrong i do not advocate the indiscriminate use of a...
  16. M

    cattle prods

    i average being at 2 sales a week, where they move 2500 ++ head thru the ring in about 30-45 seconds per transaction. time is money to these folks an animal that balks is losing them money, so it would seem unlikely that a barn would not use one to move it along. unless like caustic said...
  17. M

    Longhorn questions

    alice i am sorry you have had bad experince with ropers! steer or tie ropers but as i said i know a lot of ropers as well as a couple of rodeo producers, and in my experence they truely care for thier animals. lost and hurt animals = lost money!!!! so the ones that i know do not like to lose...
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    Longhorn questions

    in my experence not many longhorns are used for roping!! correntie are the ropers choice, smaller faster and better over all suited to roping, also all of the ropers i know (and that is many) take better care of their roping stock that a lot of other folks do! better fed and cared for! they...
  19. M

    calf sale price ??

    was at local auction yesterday 200- 300# calves went for $1.40 to $1.65 not much to chose from these were mix breeds no dairy breeds. good luck
  20. M

    Land lease Question

    yep sure starting to sound like our old friend from outer space and tenn :D :D