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  1. jersey lilly

    "U" names

    U-steak, U-beef, U-TBone, U-Ribeye, U-Hamburger, U-Brisket, U-soupbones, U-dogbiscuit, and of course their's gotta be one in the herd named, U-ugly.......and maybe another U-mamasugly.
  2. jersey lilly

    Another calf question . . .

    This is just my opinion, but sounds like your givin her too much at one time....much better to have smaller meals more times a day, than to put that much liquid into one that size all at once.
  3. jersey lilly

    Navel area problem on Brangus Cow

    Yeap that's the general area that flies eat on. If it's not swollen, and is just red and irritated. Should heal up fine over the colder winter months. She should be fine. But good fly management program should be used when the temps start warmin up and you start noticing flies.
  4. jersey lilly

    Navel area problem on Brangus Cow

    Could it be iritated from flies? I know we don't have many flies at all left down here, but it hasn't been that long since we had hot weather and flys were abundant if not taken care of.
  5. jersey lilly

    Newbie with a dumb question

    All Texas Extention Offices have a website, that is ran thru Texas A&M. If someone needs to call an Extention office, most likely all you'd hafta do is look in your local phone book under their County office list for Extention Agent.
  6. jersey lilly

    What or Who Influenced you to Raise Cattle?

    All of my ancestors in one fashion or another raised cattle. Some of them only had a few milk cows to furnish the family with milk, others raised beef cattle. I always knew that's what I wanted to do. From the time I was 3 or 4 years old I knew. It wasn't until moving to East Texas to Mr Lilly's...
  7. jersey lilly

    Need cows quick; need advice

    no it won't......minimum for one cow is 3 acres around here. (I"m not that far from Waller, Tx) What I don't understand is them telling them they HAVE to have cows......lotta folks get ag exemptions and all they do is raise hay. Some of em have cows on other places but I know of quite a few...
  8. jersey lilly

    Hobby farmer

    Just because someone has a job in town doesn't make them a part time rancher. It means, they spend the other 16 hours of the day and all weekend doin the jobs on the ranch. I'd call that a rancher with a part time job in town LOL It doesn't mean your doin it small time either. What it basically...
  9. jersey lilly

    Got warts

    My grandaddy did somethin similar, he'd make the kid count and touch each wart, and he'd say somethin while they did it, and for the life of me I can't remember what it was he said. I've asked several of my aunts and uncles and none of them know what it was either
  10. jersey lilly

    Got warts

    hahahaahahahah I shore aint' splainin it :P
  11. jersey lilly

    Got warts get a better grip :lol2:
  12. jersey lilly

    Got warts

    Alabama, Do you know why witches don't wear underwear????? ( I heard this today and thought it was soooo appropriete for this thread ) LOL
  13. jersey lilly

    Got warts

    Aaaaaaaahahahaha too funny!!!! I been busy this week, as ya know....bushhoggin/shreadin pastures........nope don't do that nekid......too many stuffs flyin from behind me, and ants!!!!!! That'd be just toooo dangerous nekid....but a few hail mary's while shreadin might not be a...
  14. jersey lilly

    Got warts

    you forgot....while running backwards and sayin the hail mary's, you gotta be stark naked :D won't work if yer not
  15. jersey lilly

    Lopsided Cow

    acorns will do that too, (not make em lopsided) but make them loose weight and look terrible. But they love em!!!! silly critters LOL Not a whole lot you can do to keep em from eatin em tho, unless you wanna go thru and clear cut a place and git rid of all the oak trees. Sure hope you get some...
  16. jersey lilly

    Lopsided Cow

    Alot of cows are lopsided like that. It's because the rumen is on the left side of the cow and it's full of grass, so it's big and round, the other sides less full so it droops somewhat. Most all cows are lopsided like that, especially noticable after having a calf. Are ya'll still that dry up...
  17. jersey lilly

    marketing whole/half beefs...

    Last month we took in a 800 lb steer and got back 480 lbs of meat. Processing cost was $231.40 Feed costs were $186.00 Fuel wasn't much $ 20.00 for a total of $437.40 That's not giving a value to the animal to start with or the vaccines he got as a small calf (which don't...
  18. jersey lilly


    Best thing to do, if you want to palpate your own cows, is go take a course. You'll learn more in a weeks time than you could ever learn doin it by yourself with no instructions. I took a course offered by a semen company. You might try that route first. If they don't offer one at your nearest...
  19. jersey lilly


    We've never dehorned with the bands on calves. But......our daughters 4H goat was done this way, small groove around the base of the horn, and the band put on. About a month later one horn fell off..........and the holes in his head became infected.....3 days of antibiotics got him over that...
  20. jersey lilly

    Braunvieh based or Angus based cows?

    Bought them from a breeder. I'll admit, the one's we have left raise some pretty decent calves. But gettin burned like that turned me off of ever buyin anymore. I"m not sayin they are a bad breed....just not somethin I wanna try again.