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  1. H

    Keeping Horse warm

    Well my equine cockroach is doing just fine. Thanks for the input from everyone
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    Keeping Horse warm

    He’s in pretty good shape for his age. Going out when the snow clears to see how he faired. He really doesn’t eat hay anymore, he’s sorta got a parrot jaw situation going on. So it’s Purena’s Senior Feed twice a day
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    Keeping Horse warm

    OK, this cold is uncharted water for me and my 35 year old horse. He's in a covered shed , it is not enclosed. It does stop the north wind and is covered. He has a lined rain jacket cover on him. Is their anything else I can do to help him out, also he is blind in one eye. Any ideas or thought...
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    Love Finding These

    Eat that thing, it should marble like crazy
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    What is acceptable bull behavior?

    Simple, I don’t! You may be 6’7 295 and built like JJ Watts. That bull is a ton or better and is 20 times stronger than you. A bull doesn’t have to mean or aggressive to do the job you need done.
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    My Dodge pulling a Peterbilt cattle truck

    Having had quite a few Dodges, and currently have my 2003 dually Ive had my last one. THe bodys and paint jobs just don't hold up and Dodge just doesn't care to solve the problem.
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    Seriously how do you do raise cattle when it never rains?

    Spot on Brute, you said a mouthful. You can't feed yourself out of a drought. I would disagree on carring so much hay. To me 6 months extra , after that it's time to sell out and live to fight another day. You also we sleep better and be in a better mood around your family if your not worried...
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    cattle cube storage ideas

    :nod: :clap: :tiphat:
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    cattle cube storage ideas

    I think so on your question about bulk. Southern Oil and Cotton sells em back 50 lb sack or in bulk cube or meal. The meal is the best price. They do not let you use super bags. You have to have a trailer or truck that you can just drive up to the hopper. They will load your trailer if you want...
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    cattle cube storage ideas

    You can do as some have suggested about the feed store. Dayton Farm & Ranch always helped me out in that regard. Cannon's might do the same as well. Another option that I used was to go buy cubes at Southern Oil & Cotton in Richmond. I knows its a bit of a drive but well worth it The cubes are a...
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    Why does my Angus Bull have a blond tail?

    You mean their might be something other in those Angus besides Angus.....careful the Angus Mafia on this board will be after you!!
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    fence line: clear it or bull-doze it?

    Guess I'll be the turd in the punch bowl. Unless that pasture borders a road I wouldnt worry about it. Cattle unless it's a horny bull or longhorns can be held in with next to nothing if they have plenty of good grass. "Grass in the front and bull in the back", it ain't rocket science .
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    Improving someone elses land

    I guess Iwas fortunate, never had a contract with anybody just a handshake.
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    Improving someone elses land

    Something some of guys looking to lease might consider . Look to lease from someone who been in the cattle biz like me that has got out. At my age I'm not going back in. Don't spend money on repairing fences , buildings or corrals. Portable corrals and electric fence are all you need to run...
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    hello new here

    Silly me! I never knew that a 7 point difference was a a$$ whoppin. I guess things have changed since I played college ball.
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    Question about mineral rights

    You are correct , I haven't dealt with any leasing since 2008, so perhaps it has change with the seismic work. I know when they did it back in 08 work done in town was done by thumper trucks in town. Out in the countryside it was business as usual, blast away. If the right of way falls on the...
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    Question about mineral rights

    You are correct , I haven't dealt with any leasing since 2008, so perhaps it has change with the seismic work. I know when they did it back in 08 work done in town was done by thumper trucks in town. Out in the countryside it was business as usual, blast away. If the right of way falls on the...
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    Question about mineral rights

    Yes that piece of land that the pipeline runs in has been reduced in value by at least 75%, because no structure can ever be built on that property. You have to fight tooth and nail with large legal fees to get what you are owed, they will screw you any chance they get. I speak from having...
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    New calf limo herf cross

    RBB, the Paul Payne breeder from Paris was the breeder of my Colorado 150 bull, he had a lot of good old school bloodlines. Not sure if he is still in business, but you might look him up for some of your old school searches
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    New calf limo herf cross

    RBB, whats in his sire pedigree that u didnt like. Rulon and Touchdown have been good black bulls...Lol of course may be because they aint fullblood you dont like em. I know I dont like the Harvest Shadow in the dams bloodlines. That bull was a real bust, and a prime example of someone playing...