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  1. herofan

    Dumbest mistake youve made

    My brother sharpened the blades on the hay mower, and I ran into a metal fence post on the first round. That was a winner!
  2. herofan

    Who winters without hay?

    Most of our hay is fed in Jan, Feb, and March. They will snack on a few bites in December and April, but not much. I've never fed any hay from May to November.
  3. herofan

    Difference in reaction after weaning

    Is there anything that makes a difference in the cow/calf reaction after weaning, or will it just vary for unknown reasons? We wean by moving them apart. There have been times when the calves were literally trying to climb the barn walls and bawling their heads off, and there were times when...
  4. herofan

    My operation is a hobby

    Actually, sleeping is not wasted time. Our body needs sleep to feel more alert, consolidate memory, help keep the immune system strong,.....oh well, you can Google the rest.
  5. herofan

    My operation is a hobby

    True. I remember from another thread that M-5 is a guy who likes to work all the time, whether he needs to or not, so he won't have a problem at all. For a guy like me who likes down time and plans to retire, I have to keep overhead low.
  6. herofan

    My operation is a hobby

    Someone mentioned it cost $450 a year to support a cow, and I believe I've heard some people state it even higher. What exactly goes into that figure? Is it things directly related to the cow like feed, mineral, etc, or is it total expenses for farm upkeep. Honestly, I don't have that much...
  7. herofan

    My operation is a hobby

    I have around 20 head, and yes, I make some money. It haven't bought a mansion yet, but I make money. I think it depends on what your expenses are in comparison to your income. Personally, the 130 acres has been in the family forever and is paid for, tractor is 20 years old and paid for, etc...
  8. herofan

    Easier way to post pictures?

    I agree. there have been a few times that I have posted an issue and someone will say, "post pictures." I have a few times, but it's such a pain that I often don't.
  9. herofan

    Why do salt/mineral blocks exist?

    One of the first things I noticed after joining this forum was that most feel mineral blocks are a waste of time. the reasons made sense, and I now put out loose mineral. I've noticed however, that all our local farm supply stores have an abundant supply of white, brown, and yellow blocks...
  10. herofan

    Is this a prolapse or just afterbirth ?

    So, it appears that everyone says to leave it alone. I've noticed in other discussions, there are those who think it's no big deal, while others think it's an emergency. We had a cow with a dangling rope this year. We let it go about 5 days. She was doing fine. My brother mentioned it to...
  11. herofan

    fence line: clear it or bull-doze it?

    This farm was in the same shape 5 years ago, and I had in my head that it was almost impossible to do anything with the existing fence, but I suppose I had it pictured a little fancier than it needed to be. My brother suggested we just get a chainsaw, elbow grease, and roundup. It's nothing...
  12. herofan

    charge for turning cow with bull

    Good points. Like I said, I don't mind helping people, but again, weirdness just turns me in the other direction for some reason. They moved here from 1000 miles away with no family or career move as the reason. Why would anyone do that? Maybe I'm just not the adventurous type; maybe a move...
  13. herofan

    charge for turning cow with bull

    It's not the money that I'm concerned about, I just want to make sure I'm doing things normal and I'm looking for a deterrent. I really don't mind helping out at all, i just don't want them to get dug in like ticks. I don't know them well enough to know how they are. I guess I'm partial to...
  14. herofan

    charge for turning cow with bull

    The thing is, I don't want them to get comfy enough that they start coming around. They are not long-time neighbors, but move-ins, and they are a little strange. They built something that looks like a tool shed to live in, and they keep this cow tied to a pole like a dog on a leash. I don't...
  15. herofan

    charge for turning cow with bull

    I have a neighbor who has a Jersey cow and has asked to turn it with our herd for breeding. We are neighborly around here. I really don't mind, and I'm not concerned with a charge for the use of the bull in general, but if the cow ends up running with the herd for a while, there will be some...
  16. herofan

    Growing out calves to start up?

    Yes, take some seminars, read some books, visit neighbors, or just buy some cows and learn on your own. How dare you come to a cattle forum to ask questions about cattle. Who ever heard of such a thing?
  17. herofan

    farm or ranch

    Here in KY, farm is the term; nobody uses ranch that I know of. Even when someone shows out enough to have a fancy sign put up, it always reads "farm."
  18. herofan

    Cattle taking care of their needs.

    I started this thread with the concern about the cold weather, and i must say, I did feel more comfortable with cows taking care of themselves after reading everyone's posts. Since, I have spoken to a few local people, and they tell me they are losing calves due to the cold weather. One guy...
  19. herofan

    Cows Attacking Round Bales

    I've noticed that my cows actually "do not" get overly excited when I put out a roll of hay. I know that grass isn't growing in the winter, but we do have a large area for them to roam, so I've thought that maybe they are getting a few bites here and there and aren't always hungry. I've also...
  20. herofan

    I Hate Heifers

    Again, this is some of the things I have experienced and worry about too. Sometimes, I just see what i consider some weird behavior in cattle sometimes and I wonder if they always have enough sense to always make the best decisions about their care.