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  1. C

    Grass fed opportunity ?

    Also you might want to look into where you are going to market grassfed beef. There might be a special commute( I think thats the word) that he/you could sell your cattle to for a higher percentage.
  2. C

    Can calves get rain scald/rot?

    Yes Cows can get rain scald/rot. I have had several cows get it. It is raised bumps on the body which peel spread and have a gooy inflammed skin underneath.
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    Need a Good Grass Fed Black Angus Bull in Eastern KS

    Diamond 'D' Angus have wonderful 'grass fed' bulls. I have my hefier bred to a bull from there.
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    All, please take the time to read this.

    I feel this was for me :lol: :oops: :oops: :lol: Thank you i get the hint!!!
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    3 Bulls --> 3 Steers

    I feel for you!! we just got 2 brangus steers, well up until last night they were bulls, anyway i have been without a cow to break for a month and i thought i was going to go plumb crazy. So we have them in the breaking stall.Well smart me figuared i would go in the stall and catch one and see...
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    It kept my dying calf alive for a extra week, so i say it works. It also saved one .
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    Is this Something Bad??

    Well Ringworm is Contagouis so i would not turn him out with the herd, they will get it .
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    Mississippi Cattlemens MAgzine?

    dose anyone get the Mississippi Cattlemens MAgzine? If you do ,My little brother is on the front cover with the steer we raised this year..just thought i would tell ya'll.
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    Fat as a pig?

    fer real!!!!! If that was my cow I would be proud that she stayed that way all through winter and is bred!! That condition will put her in ideal shape when she is nurseing. But i would still feed her the same way any nurseing cow.
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    Fat as a pig?

    Looking at the feild behind her,no,not" as fat as a pig " I say she is just real easy fleshing.I mean yes, she is fat but on a condition scale of 1 being bad and 9 being WAY TO FAT, she is a 8 or even a 7..i wouldn't put her on a diet or anything. after all she is 8+ monthes bred.. take some...
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    First Time!!

    watching someone A.I a cow is really cool!!!!i want to do it some day...
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    cow dies

    Hoof and Mouth???
  13. C

    do I have a runt?

    we have the same problem, what we do is feed the bossy one first them feed the timid one last... also seperate the hay and eventuly she will come around.. our cows pass "boss" around..also if a cows is in heat she will be bossy......
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    What are my rights?

    i really don't know what to say but that my cows get out all the time and go visit neighbors LOL, but we catch them , the first time it happened i went to the ladies house and offered to fix the foot prints on her lawn but she was like " no problem" so i told her if was ever home not to go up to...