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  1. TCRanch

    Bull behaviour

    I agree with @Brute 23. But sudden, aggressive behavior can also be a sign of anaplasmosis.
  2. TCRanch

    The Replacements 2024

    They look really good. How old are they now? If I recall, your calving season is similar to mine, so maybe 15 +/- months?
  3. TCRanch


    Saw that on Facebook a few days ago. Presumably still all doing well? Haven't seen any updates.
  4. TCRanch

    Need working facility

    Big fan of the flag. Not so much the hot shot. But there's always the tried-and-true sorting stick and even pool noodles. Got a couple rattle-panel-sorting-stick-thingies at a Livestock Association meeting and I hate them, as do the cattle. That said, your demeanor is generally the best way...
  5. TCRanch

    Need working facility

    Okay, for a little chuckle. My husband has a gazillion health issues, so he's not allowed in the corral. Couple years ago, I was loading calves and he was standing by the headgate /entrance to the trailer. I was pushing four 7 weight steers down the alley when a heifer already in the trailer...
  6. TCRanch

    Need working facility

    Gonna chime in here with an alternative plan. You can always rent a portable corral that has everything you'll need. Safety first, and with not a lot of cattle, may make sense. That said, our portable corral is essentially permanent in one of the pastures and works great for the weaned calves...
  7. TCRanch

    Premie calf....advice

    I've had three, two of which are still in my herd and top breeders at 13 and 10 years old. And both were orphaned. (the one that is currently 10 is in my lap in my avatar pic) Yes, feeding small amounts multiple times a day. And I never gave antibiotics because neither had a temp or showed...
  8. TCRanch

    Replacement females???

    You and me both! And just to make it more fun, I pulled another big bull calf from a heifer 2 days later. WTH? She probably could have had it on her own, but I didn't know exactly when she went into labor and the tongue was hanging out. Both calves and mamas are doing fine but seriously...
  9. TCRanch

    Replacement females???

    A correlation between the age and (if I recall correctly) breed of heifer. Heifers bred so they'll calve at appx. 36 months vs. 24 months have less "wiggle room" in their pelvis. Which is why mine are measured at 11 months, turned out at 15 months to calve at 24. I only retain heifers based...
  10. TCRanch

    Replacement females???

    Something else to ponder if you're buying replacement heifers; you don't know the lineage or anything about her unless you purchase private treaty - and the seller has diligent records. And here's why that's important: I had to pull a calf from a heifer last year for the first time in, well, I...
  11. TCRanch

    The first dwarf

    Full out snort-laugh!!!! I'm dying!:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
  12. TCRanch

    Replacement females???

    Not sure how to put it into a percentage, but my top 23 cows were born between 2010 - 2018. The only time I've sold a cow younger than 4 was either private treaty, a freak case of mastitis at a young age, or they lost their calf for whatever reason and I needed to cull (primarily because of a...
  13. TCRanch

    Replacement females???

    This old girl is 14, due with her 13th calf 3/7. Look at her feet and udder. Perfect. Bless her heart, she only has 3 teeth left but maintains condition. Zero health issues. So far, she's only given me 4 heifers and I've kept them all. Her 6th calf is also due 3/7, her 8th calf is due 3/17...
  14. TCRanch

    Replacement females???

    This!!! I love seeing multiple generations of a prolific lineage; daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters. With the matriarch still one of my best cows.
  15. TCRanch

    Replacement females???

    Every cow & heifer I have was born & raised here. Retained/replacement heifers are based on the history of the dam. The only ones I keep are from dams that consistently calve within the first few weeks of of the calving season, have an excellent disposition, good feet & udders, health history...
  16. TCRanch


    @farmerjan I'll be darned if I can find it now. @chelle1411 is further northeast of me and may be in a selenium deficient area. @chelle1411 you mentioned fluid. Did your vet say anything about possible joint ill or mycoplasma? Have you checked the hoof to make sure there's nothing embedded...
  17. TCRanch


    I agree with @wbvs58 that it looks like a fracture or dislocation in the video. But not showing up on the x-ray? Hmmmm. Did you talk to your vet about selenium? Vaccination protocol? Did this just start? Still nursing or a bottle calf? Temp normal? Any other symptoms?
  18. TCRanch


    Sometimes you can copy/paste. That said, not sure why you're getting the "not allowed" message. @Marie or @CTadmin, can you help?
  19. TCRanch

    The not so fun part...

    And that $30K gets deducted as an expense on next years taxes.;)
  20. TCRanch

    The not so fun part...

    We have a 16-year-old neighbor kid that works for us on the weekends and pay him in cash. Turns out he'll be taxed at 13%. Hard for kids that age to save back enough to pay their taxes, as opposed to working at McDonalds (or wherever) when taxes are deducted from their paycheck. Especially...