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  1. Nowland Farms

    I need advice on unfrezing my water trough in Alabama

    Alabama, Several years ago, I installed these Water Fountains by Beheln Country in my pastures. I placed a fountain in the fence line between pastures so 1 fountain serves 2 pastures. You can find out more info here - I don't have to worry about...
  2. Nowland Farms

    Cows don't want to drink from tanks when heaters are on

    Yesterday high was 28 w/10-15 mph wind Last night it was 16 w/5-10 mph wind Today it was about 36 w/10-15 mph wind Tonight is is suppose to be 18 w/5-10 mph wind Friday & Saturday the highs are to be around 27 & lows are to be around 12 Avg temps for this week are: High 53 & Low 33 This cold...
  3. Nowland Farms

    That's why they call them accidents.

    My parayers have been sent for your husband and you. Keep us statused.
  4. Nowland Farms

    Putting Heifer and Weaned Calf together

    Another fine example of a son respecting his parents even if he doesn't agree with them. Kid, sooner or later you will learn that everyone makes mistakes and should be able to depend on family to help correct the problem.
  5. Nowland Farms

    Installing auto waters and bulls

    I have 2 fountain waters bolted to concrete pads. I don't run a bull now (all AI) but I did not have any problems when I did have a bull. Of course my Black Angus bull was about as laid back as they come.
  6. Nowland Farms

    Cattle Call

    I just show them the feed sack, or a 5 gallon white bucket, or call them "mooooo cowwww, mooooo cowwww" and they come running. Years ago I had a set of cows that would recognize my truck as I drove down the highway to gate at the far end of the pasture. The cows would take off going in the...
  7. Nowland Farms

    Boot care ?

    I also use mink oil on my boots. As far as comfort, I have been wearing the same brand and type of boot since 1985. I wear boots made by Vasque, the model is Sundowner II. They are a leather medium duty hiking boot and once broken in are worth their weight in gold. I usually have 2 pairs on...
  8. Nowland Farms

    Bull Genteling Techniques

    Try this to see if it will help, it was posted here several months ago. I do believe this is CB's favorite way to handle a bull.
  9. Nowland Farms

    Bull Genteling Techniques

    Try this to see if it will help, it was posted here several months ago. I do believe this is CB's favorite way to handle a bull.
  10. Nowland Farms

    What to look for in black angus

    RD, Assumming you have a few calves to sell in a year or so, where you gonna sell them? -If the answer is the salebarn, and you want black angus, buy commerical cattle without papers. -If the answer is private treaty off the farm, you can go registered if you wish. -If the answer is...
  11. Nowland Farms

    Bull Buying Etiquette

    Boogie, I don't want to hijack this thread but, is there something you need to tell us in a new thread? ;-)
  12. Nowland Farms

    Tag applicator

    Same here, this is what I use.
  13. Nowland Farms

    ear tags

    I use the following format on my tags. Each animal get a white tag in right ear and a blue one in the left. 004 701 199 004 at the top in small letters is Sires number 701 in the middle is calfs number meaning, 1st calf in year 2007, next would be 702, 703, etc 199 at the bottom is Dams...
  14. Nowland Farms

    Angus, The site loaded fine for me. Have you tried deleting your Temp Internet Files and your cookies? This might help.
  15. Nowland Farms

    friend or foe???

    Frankie would not make it on my Foes List but I can think of somebody who will be at the top of my & many people's list :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:
  16. Nowland Farms

    Getting spruced up....

    Joo, By the looks of them all snuggled up, they wouldn't be from BrokeBack Mountain would they? :oops: :oops: :oops:
  17. Nowland Farms

    A Cow Tale

    randiliana, Please don't take this the wrong way. I am only asking to help me understand. If you are in Canada, and the winters are cold until way into the springtime, why don't you have your cows setup to calve in a specific calving season in the summer or early fall? IMO, If I lived as...
  18. Nowland Farms

    problems stretching fence

    Lucky, I have used the two 2"x4" and they worked well. I use the fence puller from Tractor Supply listed below. It works the same way, as you tighten...
  19. Nowland Farms

    how to bag

    Dun I read the question before no one answered and wanted to respond that I had never heard of such a thing but I thought I might look foolish, so I waited on someone who knows way more than I to respond. ;-) ;-) ;-)
  20. Nowland Farms


    -You buy semen from a registered bull for $25. -You AI the cow and she calves. -You want to register the calf, you must buy the certificate to register the calf. $100 per certificate seems a bit high but I normally purchase Black Angus semen. Usually the certificates are around $35 on average.