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  1. J

    Fence line weaning

    has been discussed and that is currently what I am doing and so far everything has been fine. Now the lot I have them in is running short on grass.... :shock: ok actually there is no grass left. :lol: My question is what will happen if I section off a part of my pasture with an electric fence...
  2. J

    When is terminal not terminal

    I always figured it would take more to maintain a bigger cow (charlios X) for a year than a smaller cow bred to a charlios bull to produce a bigger calf? Did that make sense? :oops:
  3. J

    maternal inctincts

    The Almanac gives dates for the best days to.... wean, plant above/below ground crops, cut hay etc.
  4. J

    maternal inctincts

    ;-) My thoughts too!
  5. J

    maternal inctincts

    Well if thats the case then I've got a cow right now with a very strong :o maternal instinct because its been 2 weeks and she still at it.(Well at least in the mornings when I'm getting ready for work she stands at the fence and bawls) The calf on the other hand could care less. Any thoughts...
  6. J

    Salvage value on breeding stock

    LISTEN................................ :shock: I think I hear CB a comin' :compute:
  7. J

    bucking bull advice

    The bucking bull business has turned into a pretty big deal over the last few years, well since the PBR really took off. It is now equivilent to racehorses (angus :lol: ) in that everybody is chasing the BIG NAME performers/producers. There are bulls that are known for their durability...
  8. J

    Useful skills anyone dealing with cattle should have?

    What program does TSTC offer that deals with cattle?
  9. J

    Open well question

    Best I can tell you is TCEQ. (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.) I'm guessing that you and your neighbor don't have that neighborly type of relationship. I wouldn't sick TCEQ on him if yall are friends, I'd at least talk with him about it first.
  10. J

    What is meant by slide?

    :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Ignore what I said. :( :lol: oh well :D
  11. J

    What is meant by slide?

    My guess is, whatever they are talking about, I am assuming cattle, that the price dropped ten cents?
  12. J

    Pop Quiz - just for kicks

    I'm going with C and for those that "talk down" to me could kiss my white @!#. Isn't that part of why this board exists? To ask questions of others that may have had the same experience. I know there some here that would call you a city slicker or a hobby farmer but they are just someone on the...
  13. J

    skiddish heifer

    Well having your catch/working pens and all necessary fencing built and ready to go before putting the heifers in would have been a good idea but it ain't the end of the world either. Now if she needs medical attention or you plan to AI her in the next few weeks then there might be a slight...
  14. J

    Hi, look, it is interesting

    I can't help but think about how insignificant and worthless the person is that posted this. What a waste. Go get a life.
  15. J

    Stud horse with cows

    I've got a 5 month old colt in with cows right now and no problems yet. Before I sold him I had a 3 year stud in with cows and not much going on there either. He even stayed with them through calving season. Although I'll have to say he was a stud horse like no other I've ever seen before. I...
  16. J

    Unrolling bales

    We've had luck turning them on their side and using the forks on the front "roll it" along. Helps if you have a little bit of a hill or slope to work with. Also have done it with the forks on back but that one takes some practice and patience. The type of hay also makes a difference.
  17. J


    Thanks Beefy, that pretty much explained it all! ;-) :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. J


    HUH? :oops:
  19. J

    Feeding cows

    How big are they? And are you gonna sell tickets to the castrating event? I remember cutting hogs back in ag, and they were show pigs, man that was a show in itself. I'd like to watch it done to a feral hog. :cboy:
  20. J

    Feeding cows

    I agree on controlling costs but I think it also comes down to what oakcreekfarms said about lacking grass. Sometimes its hard to spend nothing and hold the calf an extra month on grass when there ain't enough grass to go around. Now on the other hand maybe the grass issue needs to be looked...