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    Genetics and Herd Expansion

    This has got to be the absolutely most ignorant paragraph I've ever read on CT. . And that's saying a lot. :shock:
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    Rope a Calf?

    Will it's mother go in? If you haven't tried that yet try penning them both. Calves usually follow momma.
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    No mas

    Adiós amigos! Good luck to you also.
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    Pond stocking

    It's plenty big enough to hold a good population of fish. You need bluegill and bass. Forget the hybrids unless thats all your going you're put in it. You need bluegill for forage for the bass. You need bass to keep the bluegill from over populating. Put the blue gill in first and wait six...
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    Sometimes it must suck to be a cow

    You don't know much about Florida cattle or the cattle industry in Florida.
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    If you ever wonder if it's worth it

    Priceless! I'd like to see some better pictures of those cows. They look pretty good in that one.
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    Need help fattening a few bulls in Pakistan!

    You have to resize your pictures before you post them on here. Is Pakistan way out in west Texas?
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    buying time

    Have you bought any?
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    What about Brangus?

    Branguscowgirl, are you saying you like brangus?
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    Stuck My Self After Giving Cow a Shot!

    If you get a strong urge to moo you may want to go see the vet.
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    Lightning strikes 18 cattle dead

    I get nervous every time a thunder storm comes up, which is pretty often here. 18 at once is the most I've ever heard of. Sorry to hear it.
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    A pint of Talstar per acre.
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    New cow with calf question

    Kell you have got some very nice looking heifers and it looks like they're going to throw you a nice crop of calfs. Can I make a suggestion. I would get them away from the pond if possible. Heifers can be pretty stupid at times. They are young and inexperienced and don't know what is going...
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    Sky you have the only cow's I've ever of that didn't like cubes. I'd cull the whole bunch if they were mine.
  15. D

    Looking for cattle candy

    Yeap, I missed that in your first post. I can't get them in bulk here. 12% steer feed will run what you're paying for cubes here.
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    Looking for cattle candy

    I appreciate the kind words guys. Yeah nesi they know whats going on and you see how they come. I must be getting a deal. Range cubes here are any where from 18% to 24% and run from $12 to $14 a bag. If you have 20% cubes and feed 2lbs a day per cow their really not a bad deal. And their worth...
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    Looking for cattle candy

    I thought we already had this discussion once Ryno. Cubes
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    Growing out calves to start up?

    Great post except for the I'm sorry part. :tiphat:
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    Calf emergency question

    Good job tc. I was confident that calf was in good hands.
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    Whats the best way to:

    Sniper, none of your questions have been dumb. As a matter of fact they're very good questions. Especially this one. I don't know the answer to your question myself but I'm sure someone a lot smarter than me will come along and answer it. I will say this the best way to start seems to be...