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    Calves newly weaned weight gain

    What's your process on developing these bulls?? I've got 4 10 month old bulls I need to start. Thanks
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    Can you plant wildlife plots seeds for cattle and horses to to graze

    I drilled about 200 lbs of the Ray's crazy mix about 2 weeks and with some good rains afterwards. Covered about 5-6 acres and expect to have a really good turnout by Christmas week. Green Cover Seeds have a similar mix at a better price, so I'll be checking them out for future needs.
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    How to maintain grass

    Lbass has hit the nail on the head.....and others good advice.....look for all the info you can on Grass Farming.....I constantly walk my pastures with my head down......looking for variations in "anything" that's different.
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    Progress so far with the FSA and our new Ranch

    Progress so far.....great to hear. Research a lot on this site......then research again. Be ready for the ups and downs, both weather and herd health wise. But quickly learn to grow and manage grass......that's you main resource...IMHO
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    Cost of cows vs buying calves

    BF has that in a post or two above....just work on your and work that well..
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    Feeding in winter question

    .....What part of Arkansas..??? Looks like you are upping the equation on things and getting some good feedback from the group here. But winter still has a long way to go....and March can be tough.....IMHO
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    Texas to Jersey hauler needed

    totally agree......
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    Texas to Jersey hauler needed

    .......I've used a web site .....Uship.....just list the start/finish/weight/and any time requirements. Will usually get a couple of bids fairly quick. The NJ destination may be a slow go this time of the year....????
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    Best business model when unable to winter cattle?

    Start slow.....then you can work your way into the project. Work on the grass.....your primary resource..
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    What dosage would you recommend for yearling+ heifers???
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    Seeking Cattle A.I. Courses Ark-la-tex area?

    I did the 2 & 1/2 day course at Mississippi State....Starkville....last March. Would recommend it highly.
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    Small split pastures

    Google up Arkansas result will be a condensed 8 pages taking you through a couple of alternatives. A second result is about 38 pages...more graphs, pix, etc that will take you toward the same goal: more forage based and less purchased hay. OnPasture is another web site with...
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    Replacement heifers Dec 4, 2018

    All looking very nice and solid. Their ages..???