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  1. R

    Goat Milk Replacer for a Calf???

    I often keep a small bag on hand during calving season in case I get a bottle calf. By the time I get to the bottom of the bag I know if I need to buy a big bag of calf milk replacer or not. Never experienced a problem.
  2. R

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    I think your girl is a dun which could easily throw a black calf with a red bull. She’s a really nice looking cow.
  3. R


    Don’t forget that there are also vitamins in these mixes which are just as important. Stored feeds become deficient as well as drought stress, molds, and dormant forage. Vitamins stored in the liver only last a few months assuming they had adequate stored going into the deficiency.
  4. R

    Can cattle OD on minerals

    You said they started over consuming when you moved it in the shed. I assume they are spending more time inside as well with bad weather. Cattle will sometimes over consume due to boredom. Probably won’t hurt them but spendy.
  5. R

    Blind cow

    To think that the defect had been present since at least 1995 and some very influential bulls as carriers. Yikes.
  6. R

    Vitaferm Mineral Program This is a good basic discussion and also shows you how to calculate if your supplement is meeting general requirements. The two trace mineral salts they did as examples were especially deficient in copper and zinc based on expected intake.
  7. R

    Vitaferm Mineral Program

    Only three chelates, the rest are oxides/sulfates and in greater quantities than the chelates.
  8. R

    Mineral tubs

    Most feed mills will have a lab they send it to. Mine even picks up half the cost for regular customers. You will need a probe but they might have one they loan out. Make sure you read up on proper procedures.
  9. R

    Vaccines for the bull. Is found this article to be informative . Especially about the gram negative vaccines.
  10. R

    Putting weight back on thin cows

    Some bloodlines have this trait. This breeder has a few on their website with similar markings.
  11. R

    Soybean hay

    I fed hay with the seed heads from the one in it. The calves developed ulcers in their mouths from the seeds and could barely eat. They did recover after switching hays but it was pretty distressing to see the bloody drool until they healed.
  12. R

    Dehorning questions

    Based on the e pics you will get some regrowth. But it will take awhile.
  13. R


    I’ve got two older cows in the same boat. I hate to run them through the sale barn but they are getting around well and I don’t need any burger so I’ll probably have to, like it or not.
  14. R

    How soon can I butcher a steer after ACE?

    Since you have little idea exactly how much was given and it was given outside the letter of the laws governing its use, I would hold on to him a good deal longer than seven days. By January you will most likely be fine but due to the first sentence you will not find a vet that can give you a...
  15. R

    crypto, round worm and coccidia

    Corid is over the counter. You can get SafeGuard (fenbendazole) pellets to put in the feed.
  16. R

    crypto, round worm and coccidia

    Does the rest of the herd show any symptoms? I assume the bull has been with them hence the blanket treatment recommendation. How long has he been there and do you rotate your pasture? How often?
  17. R

    Minor Scours

    Don’t stop the replacer. Just don’t give it within two hours of electrolytes. And don’t mix the two unless it was designed to be mixed (ie. Diaque)
  18. R

    A first for us caution graphic photo

    If he gets urine on the skin you face the possibility of urine scald. Being a show steer I would put petroleum jelly on the skin below it to try to prevent that.
  19. R

    Stolen Baytril

    Enrofloxacin (Baytril) is not used in human medicine as it can cause hallucinations. Maybe that’s what he was after.
  20. R

    Mandated Prescription for antibiotics

    Just saw this nice chart that outlines which drugs will be affected, thought I'd share. Antibiotic OTC to Rx chart