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  1. M

    250 Day Mineral Bolus...

    I did a grazing research project with a hard plastic bolus with wings on it that was about the same size as these. The wings stuck out 2 inches on each to help keep the cows from losing the bolus. the retention of the bolus was not good. I would not try it.
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    To help out with mineral cost our county cattleman's group gets together and buys it by the tractor trailer load. It saves about 5 dollars per bag. Plus the Mineral packs are formulated for our part of the country.
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    How much grain for a bred cow through the winter

    Dun is right. Unless the cows are poor in flesh. Don't feed. To much grain can make for big calves and you could have problems.
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    Ivermectin O.D. Risk

    FYI When They done the original work with Ivermectin they gave doses of 40 or 50 times the recommended dosage with out any side effects. If my memory serves me right.
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    Walnut Saw Dust

    I have used Walnut for cows with no problems. Just as Lucky_P said not for horses.
  6. M

    Ringworm Treatment?

    Use Bacon grease a couple of times will take care of it.
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    Here is a pretty good guide.
  8. M

    Feeding baled corn stalks

    Molasses will help sprinkled on it. Also put the corn stalk out in the morning and hay out in evening. Make sure you short them on the hay to make them want to eat the stalks.
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    Pink Eye - Aggressive (Bigfoot)

    We have had winter pink eye on one of our farms for years. What we have found out that works best in preventing is vaccinating a third time for it. Go ahead give your pinkeye shots in the beginning of the summer and when you give your pre weaning shots give a third pinkeye shot. It dropped...
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    who feeds soyhulls, and how

    I have 2 more questions to add to TB. Can you easily store 24 tons of feed? How many tons of feed do you fed per month? Because of mold/rodent issues.
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    Dewormer Rotation

    What I have seen is that some of the generic ivomec products don't work. I have seen guys use the generic Ivomec and the animals still have worms. Then they would use the name brand Ivomec as a follow up and it would do its job. FYI Fecal egg counts were taken after each deworming. Our...
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    Yearling Bull w Big Belly

    I did a research project where we feed Alfalfa cubes as the diet. They can pack cubes in their so tight that it looks like they are bloated. They would get to where they looked like ticks that are ready to bust. Until we got used to them being that way we worried about bloat. They can eat a...
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    Question on minerals and tubs

    In doing some research with salt. We found out that you should feed your white salt in a block form and put the loose mineral in the feeder. Just put them both in the same feeder. Also we found out that in providing plan white salt to Cow/calf pairs in a setting that they could choose what...
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    Where to get hay tested

    I would check with your Extension Agent or at the University. They should be able to help you out. If not here is a place can can help, they run samlpes all over the world.
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    Dirt consumption and undergraduate research!

    That was .2 lbs per day while the calf was on Mom. So if you leave your calves on Mom for 5 months that is an extra 30 pounds of gain without any extra imputs. You cant do that with a good drink on a 5 weight calf.
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    Dirt consumption and undergraduate research!

    I am Just north of you in WV. Something that we have found out is that most mineral supplements do not have enough SALT in them. I did an experiment 3 years running, providing plan white salt 1 week and a good TM salt the next week and rotated them each week all summer. Calves gained more...