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  1. milkmaid

    Injured calf

    Spinal injury. The position with back legs extended forward while laying down or standing (you can see it in all of the pictures) is classic. I give them 3 days to improve and then euthanize.
  2. milkmaid

    This Will Make You Have A Bad Day

    Not going to find pneumonia, peritonitis, liver abcesses, urinary tract problems, or hardware in the brainstem... didn't they cut the entire bull open?
  3. milkmaid

    Pain relief for beef calf

    What level of pain relief are you needing?
  4. milkmaid

    Does he look sick?

    Oh my....... simple simple simple then.... 1. Some calves are born ugly (poor conformation, genetics), some calves become ugly (chronic illness, poor feed, etc). 2. Ugly calves tend to catch people's eyes... "he looks off/sick/something isn't right with that animal." 3. Ugly calves are not...
  5. milkmaid

    Does he look sick?

    Saw your other post... 6 month old calf weighing 392 and you want to "bulk him up"... what's the goal with this poor beast? 4H? FFA? your freezer? lawn ornament? He sounds stunted, may or may not have been sick in the past, probably just needs decent feed, worming, and minerals. Do you have a...
  6. milkmaid

    Does he look sick?

    He looks kinda ugly in the first pictures... but ugly is not a disease or reason to give antibiotics. He might just need some decent feed...what is he eating at your place?
  7. milkmaid

    Cow not eating or chewing cud

    Lots of options for a cow with that description.... very few of them fixable with LA200 or any other antibiotic. A vet visit would be a good start.
  8. milkmaid

    Heifer thrashing her leg

    I'd be inclined to cut her open, if it were me...
  9. milkmaid

    Calf dies in 12 hours

    I'd start by asking questions... you're a trainee, they're the owner, not your monkeys, not your circus. Some owners are incompetent, many are not and really do have reasons if you take the time to inquire politely. For instance, is this one calf out of 3 on the farm, or one calf out of 3000...
  10. milkmaid

    Heifer not doing well post rumenotomy

    I'd cut your losses. Sounds like a chronic lunger, bloats because of her lung damage (enlarged lymph nodes pressing on the vagus nerve), probably has peritonitis or at least adhesions now........there's the fixable category and the not fixable category. From the sounds of it, she's in the latter.
  11. milkmaid

    Cow problem

    Um. There are so many things wrong with this post... I'd better stop there.
  12. milkmaid

    Repost Calf with foot/ walking problem

    Really hard to tell anything from blurry pics through a fence. My initial impression however is that it's not broken. That said, I do see plenty of broken legs in day old calves and they will often walk on the break. Calves that age have difficulty understanding where the pain is coming from...
  13. milkmaid

    Founder, Foot Rot, pinched nerve or something else?

    She walks like a laminitis case.... I usually see them on grain but with a history of changing to rich feed of any sort that would be my top guess. Draxxin isn't going to fix her. I'd pull her off that pasture for starters. BTW...that's not a "limp." That's very, very painful on all four legs...
  14. milkmaid

    Calf blockage

    Euthanize. Should have been done 5 days ago... when the front end doesn't connect to the back end there's not anything to be done. Most with atresia coli (Google it) die in the first 1-3 days, but it's not unheard of to go 10-14 days before dying. Don't make the calf suffer.
  15. milkmaid

    Oil on hoof rot?

    Bigfoot- I'd suspect something different than footrot in a front leg. I'm with Lucky... and I'd venture a guess the 60cc's of oxytet had far more to do with the healing than the topical application of diesel fuel...
  16. milkmaid

    Cows are tough - broken foot/leg

    I'm not concerned about you creekdrive... I saw in the first post you were worried about the cow and put in more effort than most would have to find her. Unfortunately there are a group of people who tend to look for every excuse to ignore welfare problems and things that really do need medical...
  17. milkmaid

    best antibiotic for toxic mastitis

    You probably have bigger problems than being able to give the cow IMM antibiotics... we don't usually give antibiotics for "toxic" mastitis as the damage is already done. The problem is toxins released as the bacteria die...loading her up on antibiotics doesn't help much. Supportive care does.
  18. milkmaid

    Cows are tough - broken foot/leg

    I'm incredibly skeptical on the diagnosis but glad the outcome is good. ...I've seen 100-200 broken legs in the past year in various ages of cattle and degrees of severity and healing...if the bone was sticking out of the skin that also means it was not in alignment. That leg is far too...
  19. milkmaid

    Leg injuries and wound care *caution: pics*

    Meh........ I don't have anything to prove, y'all know this. Agree with me or not it doesn't matter. But fwiw, I don't have the luxury of time. You folks might, and with time and benign neglect the cow that got hurt in the spring is decently healed up by fall. Or the horse is healed in 2 years...
  20. milkmaid

    4 day old calf rapid breathing lazy

    Very skinny is a calf not drinking enough or not drinking at all... I would take his temp and offer a bottle for starters...