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  1. D

    Replacement milk for calf

    So sad anyone can see the poor babies were starving. Why didn't you get help from someone knowledgeable about milk replacer and a proper diet. Hopefully the buyer feed them.
  2. D

    2 year old cow had her first calf

    A sick animal deserves to be treated what ever it takes to help bring it back to good health. After all this heifer probably went through hell trying to have the calf. Do what is right.
  3. D

    What happened to those three starved Beefmaster bulls?

    Anyone who abuses, starves etc. any animal should have, the same done to them, only alot worse!!! That person needs to be punished!
  4. D

    When to treat symptoms of pneumonia.

    You should look for a new vet or an outlet for meds sooner than later, from experience when dealing w/ livestock it is better to have supplies on hand at all times, you never know what is coming around the corner. Do your research, good luck
  5. D

    4 day old calf will not suck

    So Happy for you and the mom and baby, a lot of times they can be very trying.
  6. D

    4 day old calf will not suck

    I miss spoke earlier, I meant to say for calves that won't nurse or having trouble getting started. There are many opinions, some work and some do not. Don't be so testy!!
  7. D

    4 day old calf will not suck

    1st wash cows udder very good, it may look clean, but isn't. Get the calf up there and stick the tit in his mouth and work his jaws easy hopefully he will get the idea. Give him a shot of selenium. Don't give up, good luck
  8. D

    Pop bellied calves

    Why in the world would you go on vacation and leave your animals with an idiot to fend for them, is a vacation more important than caring for your animals?
  9. D

    Bad toy?

    milk the big one out a few times a day and the calf will take over.
  10. D

    Bleach for scours

    Well I guess you know everything right!!!!
  11. D

    Bleach for scours

    I disagree, I have used ag lime for over 40 years and it has always done a great job keeping my tanks free of algae and disease.
  12. D

    Bleach for scours

    Use lime in your water tanks to keep them clean of moss and scum and mold and germs Do this every time you clean the tank, weekly.