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  1. C

    cattle and acorns

    My brother in law had a cow down last week from too many acorns. Dobber her up tight. Poured 1/2 gallon of heavy mineral oil down her and got her up, walked her a while. About an hour later the back side of this cow was a danger zone. She could blow S#%t through a screen door at 10 paces. She's...
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    pinkeye, darnit!

    I didn't want to say it Caustic, but thats the fastest cure for pinkeye. If you catch is soon enough thats all you need to do.
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    pinkeye, darnit!

    LA 200 will take care of it if it's pinkeye.
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    Need a diagnosis

    Sounds like blackleg to me too. Tests should have shown it though. I think I'd get a different vet and testing facility.
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    bottle calves for newbies

    Great Post Milkmaid. You helped me along many times. Thanks
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    Ringworm or ???

    I have seen what ever it is in a couple of smaller calves before. Vets didn't know what it was either. I've never had one to have it that long either. The only thing I've ever had to help was to wash the calf in 20% bleach solution and let it soak about 5 minutes and rinse it good. The hair will...
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    Way too much milk. 1 ....1/2 gallon bottle twice a day is enough. Plenty of fresh water available always. Good calf starter. That calf will never get on dry feed with that much milk, why would he? If he's scouring, Give 10cc Spectam scour halt for pigs and 2 Sustain II boluses. That should stop...
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    Calf loosing hair

    Sometimes fever is the cause. Other times its a fungus. If it gets crusty patches in the hair loss area you can wash it with antiseptic mouthwash or the quickest way to get the hair started back is to wash him in bleach water. The hair will begin to come back in a few days.
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    help me 2 down calves

    How old are these calves?
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    Possible scours need advice ASAP

    I agree with Dun and Susie. Too much liquid. Put fresh water in the pin with him. He will drink when he wants it. They will nose around in the water a day or two then they will begin to drink as they want it. My favorite and most successful treatment for loose movement or scours is 10cc Spectam...
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    Calves with bad scours*Good Update!!*

    You have gotten a lot of good advice so far. When I see signs of scouring I back off the amount of milk powder by half and continue the full amount of water in the mix. 10cc of Spectam scour halt and 2 Sustain III boloses. If this doesn't tighten them up in a couple of feedings you probably have...
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    Coyotes. Warning - Graphic

    That's it.
  13. C

    Scouring calf

    Get rid of the soy junk milk. Give 10cc spectan scour halt for pigs and 1 and 1/2 sustain III tablets. Should clear it up when you get'em back on good milk.
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    pot belley calfs with scours

    Most likely wormy.
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    Coyotes. Warning - Graphic

    Natural sponges soaked in bacon grease works well. Just keep your dogs tied while you have them out. Be sure to pick up what the coyotes don't get.
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    When do calves start to eat?

    Just a few days old. We cut the end out of a bottle nipple and fill the bottle with calf starter. After they finish drinking we give them the feed bottle. They get a good mouthful and develop a taste pretty quick that way and you are not forcing a hand full in their mouth which is what I used to...
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    how do you tube

    Keep a bottle of banamine on hand. You will need it if your gonna raise calves.
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    Calf wont nurse

    I just weaned one that would not drink from a bottle at all. I had to train it to drink from a bucket. He is fine now. As was said before he didn't seem to know what to do with his tongue.
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    Cough in bottle fed holstein calf

    Bottle calves are tough to fix sometimes. Sometimes you can't. I would give the baytril another chance. Stick with it though. Don't start doctoring and just quit and hope they will get better. After they seem to be better give two more rounds to be sure. If this calf dosen't get better with the...
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    Salt and vitamin A

    Not sure how it works but vitamin A is a huge help in preventing pink eye.