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  1. Txwalt

    Black leg....a doozer of a question

    Possibly. If some cattle already have resistance. I don't think it is practical though, even if it is possible. ... 04_05.html "Reading a chronological history, biologists traced the HIV-resistance gene mutation back about 700 years. That was the time...
  2. Txwalt

    lost a tail

  3. Txwalt

    poison ivy in the hay

    If I look at it wrong I can get it. I was quartered for it when I was in the army. Fevor and skin blisters. I was a sorry site. I have an eye out for it now but still get it on occasion. I think I miss it when I walk through it then get it on my hands when I take off/put on my boots. Walt
  4. Txwalt

    Controlling Flies

    I wouldn't mind getting worms. I could lose some condition. I'm working on a special diet plan involving ingesting some parasites. Seems it would be a cheap alternative to surgery and easier than dieting. Anyone interested in investing PM me. Serious inquiries only. $1,000 Minimum. Walt
  5. Txwalt

    Controlling Flies

    When the flies get bad I just take a shower. That usually works for about a week. Not that big a deal. Just wash your head and maybe the pelvic region. Should only take about 5 minutes. Walt
  6. Txwalt

    hair coming off top of head

    This usually happens as we get older. Sometimes it starts at the front and works its way toward the back and sometimes it starts at the top of the head and forms an island. Either way its no cause for alarm. ;-) Walt
  7. Txwalt

    Slime in water trough

    I think chlorine for pools will work just fine. Years ago I did a little experiment and tested the tap water with the pool tester. There was more chlorine in the tap water than in the pool. I went around for a week and showed my friends. I use gold fish myself. They made it through last...
  8. Txwalt

    lick tubs

    I really don't have enough experience to give an opinion. However, I can say the cows are licking it up at a quick rate. I'm sure some people will have an opinion on the urea in the ingredients. Walt
  9. Txwalt

    broken legs- 2 in one night Walt
  10. Txwalt

    Placenta: Bon Appe'tit or Heave HO?

    I seem to recall that eating the after birth is supposed help the blood to clot. I can't remember where I heard or read that but it does make sense to me. Walt
  11. Txwalt

    Salt and minerals?

    Thanks for the advice. I'll start shopping around. Walt
  12. Txwalt

    Salt and minerals?

    $16.00 Walt
  13. Txwalt

    Salt and minerals?

    Thanks for the replies. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't need to add salt to this supplement. 8.5% just seemed really low and I didn't have any prior knowledge to go off of. Most of the ranchers around here put out a salt block and a mineral block. Walt
  14. Txwalt

    Salt and minerals?

    Is it ok to feed this without any added salt to the mix. Walt
  15. Txwalt


    Just to complicate things some more. Alpha 7 works different than the others. No booster after initial vac. Walt
  16. Txwalt


    Probably not the info your looking for but better than nothing. ... iplasmosis Walt
  17. Txwalt

    Feral Hogs (long post)

    Yup. Some cops are like that too. It doesn't cost them anything to write a ticket. It costs us to fight it. System is not right. Walt
  18. Txwalt

    Feral Hogs (long post)

    :clap: :nod:
  19. Txwalt

    Lame bull after fight with neighbors young bull

    How long has it been since running off the neighbors bull? Walt