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  1. M

    Colbolt Salt

    I was at the feed store today and notice they had salt blocks with Cobalt salt. I was wondering what you would look for in a cobalt salt deficient cow. Also would like to know the benefits are with feeding minerals with higher levels of cobalt. The feed store clerk had no idea why they...
  2. M

    Gagging heifer

    How old is the heifer? I had one gal that was about 20 mo. old and she started to refuse treats then I noticed that she would spit up some balls of hay and was not gaining like the rest. A few weeks went by then I found a few molars in the feed bunk. Now she is doing fine, taking treats again...
  3. M

    blown cow

    I have a steer that is pot bellied. He has been that way since I got him at 8 months old. I thought he was wormy. I have wormed the you what out of him and he is still pot bellied. When he eats fresh pasture you would think he was bloating or just about to calve, it's kinda a combination of...
  4. M

    Slow Rumen and Snotty Nose

    Yes I have checked her temp and it has come down (103 yesterday)but it is still a little high.(102ish) Thanks for your response. I guess this is one of those things that you just watch and monitor.
  5. M

    Slow Rumen and Snotty Nose

    I had the vet out yesterday because one of my cows had a snotty nose (yellow snott) and a temp. The vet filled her up with boluses and gave he a shot that will last 3 days. He commented that he rumen was slow and to feed her some grass and watch her. (the grass was to jump start the rumen)...
  6. M

    Options to dispose of dead cow

    We are on a weekly or bi weekly pick. I have had friends that had to wait almost 2 weeks to get their animals picked up. Our area is populated enoght that we can not drag them out to the back woods. This summer I had one die and I hauled it to the rendering plant. I was not about to have...
  7. M

    pack throat?

    I had a horse choke realy bad once. One of the things the vet explained to me was the throat had some trama to it and would have a pocket that food will get cought in if he was to go onto dry or stemy feed right away. So, for about 1 week we had to feed him soaked alfalfa pellets,beet pulp...
  8. M

    Spaying Heifers

    If you spay a heifer, what class would you show it in at the fair? Steer? It seems to me that it would have a unfair advantage should you show it agenst other heifers.
  9. M

    Back Leg Locks Up

    Does the leg lock up just above the hock? If so, it is a stiffle problem. Conformation,stress, and the leighth of toe in the hoof will cause it.
  10. M

    Long hooves?

    I know with horses they will founder in the front. Now when a cow founder, do they too founder in the front or is it mostly the rear? What are the signs of a cow foundering? Horse lay around alot and rock back on the rear quarters.