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  1. L


    Two weeks ago they were on 12-13 pounds of corn mix and free choice hay after first bloat knocked them back to 8 since then they are on their way back up
  2. L


    Frothy. Yeah I’ve been adding some of that that past couple days but wondering if it should be free choice or not?
  3. L


    Been feeding some bulls for over 2 months now. Free choice hay with a cracked corn protein pellet ration (12-14% protein. I lost one bull to bloat about 2 weeks ago same night i let another one down and saved his life. Last night I had 4-6 looked bloated but not enough to stick a hose down. I...
  4. L

    Foot Rot

    I have Purina mineral out with salt blocks never had an issue before
  5. L

    Foot Rot

    Had 2 cows come up lame. Thought maybe they had a thorn in the hoofs. Took them to the vet and both had foot rot in the same hoof. Been on pasture a month and not really sure how they got it. We have had a lot of rain is the only thing I can think of.