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  1. K

    6 day old calf can’t walk

    2 years ago we had a breech calf out of a heifer that was pretty close to what you're describing. It took a full week in the bathroom in the house tube feeding electrolytes and mother's milk and standing him up every few hours before he was able to go back to the barn. Honestly we were very...
  2. K

    fescue toxicity and losing tails

    Hard to tell from the picture but reminds me of brome also
  3. K

    Does anyone make your own cattle feed?

    Yes. Also use ear corn as a base, ground in the feed mill with concentrate per the co-op's recommendation. When have any barley is a nice addition. Oats are good too. Probably cheaper the way turklilley does it with soybeans and mineral instead of a bagged premade concentrate tho
  4. K

    IV for Scours?

    Seems like if they still have enough energy to stand the drench works most of the time. If it's gone too far IV is the only way to rehydrate as the gut won't absorb much at that point. Full disclosure- I've not done the iv route myself but after a scours epidemic in a group of dairy calves I...
  5. K

    Locker ready?

    Friend's dad always said they should look like a plump lady walking away from ya. My deepest apologies if i offend
  6. K

    How long should a bottle fed calf be on milk replacer for?

    When they're eating 2-3% of bodyweight per day of starter reliably I start weaning. I always read it takes 21 days for the rumen to develop after they get the first grain in em. Usually 7 to 8 weeks at weaning for dairy steers, or 1 bag of replacer per calf.
  7. K

    bottle calf-below freezing temps

    ''They can handle cold, wind, and rain fine, just not all in the same day.'' Clean deep bedding and good ventilation without creating a breeze seems to be the key from what I have found.