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  1. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Recommended weaned vaccines?

    I fought that problem for years. Finally dawned on me to just switch WHEN I vaccinate them. All cows go thru the chute spring and fall, so I just switched the cows to a fall ML vaccine. Then when we wanted to vaccinate calves, we were safe. "I" would not take the advice of 1 vet over all the...
  2. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Down. And out!

    That first picture does not look good. If I was a hurt cow, I think I would want you for a keeper. What a great job you did!
  3. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Fuzzy yearling steer

    He looks wormy to me. I know you said you dewormed him - but, how long ago? only 1 time in his life? -- he is thin and rough hair coat. Needs more feed of some kind. Better pasture or more grain. How soon were you hoping to butcher him?
  4. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Recommended weaned vaccines?

    I have a spring and fall calving group. I use MLV on all my cattle. If I give all my cows MLV once a year, I can vaccinate all the calves with a MLV while they are still nursing. Spring cows prior to breeding - Vib-Lepto shot, DeLice with Clean II Spring cows in fall - BoviShield 5L5 HB...
  5. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Steer stuffer worth it?

    LOL - I didn't know what a "stuffer" was. I kinda figured it was a self-feeder. All depends on how much you want to PUSH your cattle. I PUSH my steers. I only have a paddock to separate feeder steers during the summer. So, I only feed out my September-October fall born steers. They MUST be...
  6. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Getting up a down cow in the chute

    TC - you are amazing.
  7. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Navel dip

    This is what I use, but your jar looks "just right".
  8. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    His legs and umbilical were two different issues. My guess is, while he was sucking (you said he had sucked), he fell down or knocked over and dam stepped on him. "Normally" legs like that will straighten out by themselves - especially if the calf gets to remain with the dam. You did all that...
  9. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    Yes, Murry - your cow is NOT red. She is diluted black. She has a 50/50 chance of throwing the diluter gene or not. Obviously, she did not this time. GREAT pair. Both KEEPERS!!
  10. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    I don't think she belongs where she's at???
  11. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Protein or Energy

    That may be true, but that is shrink and as soon as they settle in, the recoup that shrink quickly. I would say, if you wean for only 1-2 weeks, you are hurting yourself. If you wean for 30+ days, you should make out better. I consistently wean each year for 35-40 days. But, I have developed...
  12. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Protein or Energy

    I fenceline wean and I can't say my calves "don't gain". I would venture to guess they may stay in a holding weight pattern for the 1st week, but for sure are gaining after that. They are put in a field that they have grazed numerous times prior to weaning. We confine them to about 1/4 of the...
  13. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Protein or Energy

    I would guess any "cover crop" (any green growing plant) should have ample protein??? Murry - I'm getting over 3# gain, so my steers would be huge if I waited that long. Right now they are 12-13 months old averaging about 1250-1300#. They would be around 1800# at 18 months old - if fed out...
  14. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Protein or Energy

    Again, depends on their consistency of their manure. Protein is generally the most expensive "feed' for cattle. I don't believe in "backgrounding" calves, but then again, I have calves that are big. "Generally" people "background" calves because they are too small to go on a feedlot. People...
  15. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Protein or Energy

    ?? - the consistency of their manure tells you if they don't have enough protein or too much. Depends what you are trying to achieve with your animal. Raising/growing breeding stock? Finishing out butcher animal?
  16. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    To much protein?

    That is too much protein. The 12% is about right for 700# calves - dropping to 10-11 as they get heavier. Protein is growing FRAME, not muscle. I don't know what your "commodity mix" is, but "butcher steers" need CORN. They need "carbs" not protein. Everyone comes up with fancy mixes to...
  17. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    cattle body structure/condition

    @M.Magis I understand putting them out and using portable fencing. I'm saying my cows on my pastures would ruin them. I have really deep soil and a LOT of moisture. Also, how do you set out bales. Do you have string wrapped or net wrap dry bales? I would think if I took my net wrap off ahead...
  18. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    cattle body structure/condition

    Other people's land must be a lot different than mine. There is no way I can feed hay in pastures. Unless we get a good foot deep freeze, which we have not gotten for several years, I would totally trash the pasture. I would make ruts. Cattle would punch it up horribly. We have sacrifice...
  19. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    What’s everyone using for minerals.

    What do you mean "actually consumed vs the amount wasted"? If you provide loose mineral in a decent mineral feeder, there should not be ANY waste.
  20. Jeanne - Simme Valley

    Cow cleaning off / triplets

    Yes, they used to put uterine antibiotic boluses in all the time. Finally, learned they were actually hurting the healing process.