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  1. B

    feeding replacement heifers???

    What would your recommendations be for feeding replacement heifers? I am small time and have 3 heifers that I just bought ranging from 700lbs to 1000lbs 9 months to 1yr 4 months. None are bred yet. what feed ration would you put them on to get maximum growth. All three heifers look...
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    Tractor supply squeeze chute

    I am so confused :roll: LOL, Did you buy a tarter or a tsc chute. I too have been looking at chutes, and have youtubed most chutes. all great info. But tarter has 3 or 4 different size chutes. Like series 3, series 6 etc... Has anybody used the bigger series chute? I thought...
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    banding calves?

    My Bad, Red Bull, I will be banding bulls! Making them in to steers!
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    banding calves?

    I am going to band my steer calves this year. I have a question on which tetanus shot I should give them? Tetanus toxid or tetanus antitoxin? how much and how many times?
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    does anyone have any info on the vitaferm tubs? I don't see anything on there website? I did order some vitaferm concept aid to try out!
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    Calf down... head back and legs in motion

    I just looked back and maybe missed it, but did you ever see the calf have a BM?
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    protein tub

    I noticed that all my cows and heifers lick it and finished it before I thought they would. they licked it clean. I bought at ruralking, I paid $38 for what they say 200lb tube. Maybe I am lacking something or not enough of something in the hay? I don't know! my main concern was not to...
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    protein tub

    it tells me some are getting almost enough and sometimes and others aren't getting enough
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    protein tub

    I am looking for some info and advice on protein tubs. I have three cows and 3 heifers and 2 of the cows are within a month of calving. INbetween thanksgiving and x-mas I bought a raglands 200lb tub of 24% protein and I believe had minerals in it. the seven are now done with it. I am...
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    Placenta How long?

    Our Cow has not passed placenta 48hours after giving birth. At least what I have seen I have her in the barn and we usually find them, would she of ate it? How long do you wait for them to pass it? How long to wait before lute is given? how much? how many times? thanks
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    recommendation for mites

    well I poured them with cydectrin, but also thought about a rub in addition. what does the diesel fuel do?
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    recommendation for mites

    I need a reccomendation for either lice or mites? couple bare spots on cattle big spots like cattle rubbing hair off? not red or round like ring worm. I believe its mites same problem last year, what works the best thinking cydectrine?
  13. B

    vaccines mixing and such ??

    Thanks for the input everyone! My intent was not to start an argument on weither you would give a newborn vaccines or not too. We have chosen that this was a path that we would take this year basing it on this particular vet and his clients. We are a small time operation and I use that...
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    vaccines mixing and such ??

    I have a question on what do you cattle owner due at birth time as far as vaccines and such. We are a small time hobby farm with a growing herd. We have a new vet this year and he put us on a program that he and many other cattle owners have good luck with. So far so good, we are to give...
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    new vaccination program thiss year

    I found a new vet this year, and was impressed with his nowledge and treatment ideas. Some may be overboard a bit. anyway we went and got some vaccines and other things for cows and calves but the things he recommended for his program. I did forget to ask him about size of needles he uses...
  16. B


    I will keep spaying with idione, thanks. How long do you think I should give her before I take any action again This was one of the show calves from last year, and was suppose to be shown as a cow calve pair this year but not sure that will happen.
  17. B


    well we my son and I took of 4 golf size warts, bleed a bit, squeezed the others they bleed a little. their where a least six more little ones under those, so since I harrassed them I hope that stimulated the immune system. But I am going too leave them alone and see what happens.
  18. B


    I agree with leaving it alone but the outcome after 4 months of waiting the warts have gotten bigger. The area is in ear not deep and the vet said what most say cut some of or take off to stimulate immune system. On inspection of ear I also noticed a nasty yellowish cream or puss looking...
  19. B


    I Know this subject has been covered, but my question is a little differant. I have a heifer with some nasty warts in her ear,about seven of the nasty things talked to the vet and showed him a few pics from my wifes cell phone of the warts. He said go ahead cut them out. Here is my...
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    hoove problems in calve

    To start out with a little background. We have a small 4h herd of shorthorns. We had our first 2 calves this year started out great. But recently we have noticed in one bull calve that his hooves are cracked and not at the tips but up around thetop of the hooves. These are verticle cracks...