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    Guess the weight

    Calf 386 momma 785
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    Any opinions on products like Safe Gaurd deworming blocks

    How much are they a piece ? and how many cows does one block cover ?
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    What is the lowest BCS for healthy cattle?

    good question , I think I feed too much in the winter . Or havent been leaving the calves on them long enough , My cows are fat . last two years have been dry . Sure hope I get some fall fescue growth
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    4 wk old Calf swollen front knees

    Was able to treat calve agressively for a week and half . Lots of nuflor , la 200 , plus sulfur pills . Now calves hard to catch , can't run him down ( probably could if need be , why I'm asking here ?) . He's alert , fast on his feet now . Before being treated was hardly able to move . but...
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    4 wk old Calf swollen front knees

    Got it thanks , this is my first experience with this . The nuflor has cured everything I've ever used it on , amazing what that stuff can do . I gave 6cc yesterday , when would you recommend I do it again ?
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    4 wk old Calf swollen front knees

    checked calf today , yes the navel was infected looked like scabbed over , gave 6 cc nuflor subque . Will keep the iodine in mind for the future . any advice appreciated
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    4 wk old Calf swollen front knees

    Yes calf is nursing daily , this just showed up , calf was fine last week . I think calf 4 weeks old now
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    4 wk old Calf swollen front knees

    will check into navel not sure , thanks for reply
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    4 wk old Calf swollen front knees

    Both knees are swollen . Calf is four weeks old , last week calve seemed fine . Calf has ears up and alert but with front knees swollen not getting around too good , anybody with experience here please share
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    Sometimes I wonder how much I get from what I spend on mineral . It adds up over the course of the year . I'm sure some will challenge this , My cows have free choice mineral on hand all year . My neighbor never has put out anything other than the red mineral blocks and has a nice operation
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    twins look like dinks to be

    I had a cow have twins 8 weeks ago . She is in good condition , mothers both calves , and has a good bag . I have plenty of grass too . Calves are healthy but not muscled up and growing like good ones . Should I sell one of the calves, both calves, or give them time ? What would you do ?
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    Help skin scabs all over 3wk calf

    Gotcha , may be the problem . I gave some vitamin ae ( i think is what vet called it ) today will see if that helps . The scabs don't concern me as much as the lethargic slow moving calves . Both twins look bad now . Maybe its my luck but so far 9/10 times if I can catch the calve to treat it...
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    Help skin scabs all over 3wk calf

    Scurff type I'd say it will peel off easy , don't think insect or fly bites bc all the other calves and cattle are fine . The part that bothers me the most is the lethargic part ( I've got bad luck with those ) . I wasn't sure what to do so I gave it 6cc of nuflor subQ - will see it that helps
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    Help skin scabs all over 3wk calf

    Skin scabs all over the calf around 3 weeks old . The calve is a twin , seems to be nursing , looks lethargic but gets around fine . Any suggestions appreciated
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    New Cows Relocation Concerns

    Could be just full - Definitely full or bloated , . I have noticed my other cows in the shade midday and the new bloated ones grazing in the heat . I'll try and find a bloat block to help . I'm also hoping the better nutrition and management at my place will improve the udders on these cows?? ...
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    New Cows Relocation Concerns

    I bought 6 pair recently that where a little under conditioned compared to my other cattle but not terrible . They came from same state but different pasture grasses and hay . They where on peanut hay and bermuda grasses . Now they are on my fescue and clover pastures . They where dewormed and...
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    Scour Calf

    Calve has had scours going on 10 days nows , seemed to have gotten better then today not so sure . He is out of a heifer I recently purchased . He is able to walk and nurse on his own . I've been treating him with calf bolus pills and la 200 , ran out of la 200 and used nuflor the other day and...
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    Possible Pink Eye ?

    I noticed today a cow I bought earlier in the year had the kinda haze look over her eye . Didn't look irritated or teary just had a white glare to it . Could this be a healed case of pinkeye from earlier on in her life ? I'll post a pic soon as I can , she's 7-8 months bred and in good...
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    Hair Loss

    I may of confused some with my original post . The lice seems to come and go every year and I'm not overly concerned about that . I have a 250lb Charolais calve that has gone completely bald ( pink looking) definitely not lice or mites . The momma cow of calf has some kinda of skin problem too ...
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    Hair Loss

    I have a char influenced calf thats lost his hair . Skin is pink all over with not much hair , seems to be growing hair back now slowly , he's nursing , alert , seems fine other than hair loss , his momma has had the same symptoms just much milder , not as noticeable . My biggest concern would...