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    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    The older the calf the better they will do with it.
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    cow peas

    Deer like them.
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    cow peas

    I think your a bit too far north of the Mason/Dixon line to grow cow peas, black eye peas would be another variety people would be familiar with.
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    cow peas

    They'll gain about equal to being on wheat pasture and bloat is possible.
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    Rio max tubs

    I've always thought that the rumen microbes needed protein to increase numbers to digest low quality roughage/feed, and that the increased digestion rate led to increased feed consumption. I've looked at the information Riomi has put out but never seen anything that inspired me to try it out.
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    cattle body structure/condition

    Look at her front shoulders and behind them, she has no fat cover, she is past questionable shape. Cow Body Condition Scoring
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    cattle body structure/condition

    Possibilities She is older then you think. Low quality hay. What does the manure pats look like?
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    Mineral tubs

    The freight might be a bit rough for gcreekrch to get csm to Canada.
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    Putting weight back on thin cows

    use to get a calf pellet made partially with cookies, didn't take them long to start on them.
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    Putting weight back on thin cows

    You have to be careful, some old cows are too far gone to do anything with.
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    Putting weight back on thin cows

    1 1/2 to 2 lbs a day is all I ever feed when feeding 38% cubes, usually 3 lbs every other day.
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    Putting weight back on thin cows

    Take the calves off of them would be the cheapest and easiest. If just a little thin simply getting them on the gain should be enough.
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    Replacement milk for calf

    Bottle calves need some starter feed along with their milk, they just don't do well on milk replacer and grass.
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    How much is too much?

    I would turn them in on it when it's dry from any morning dew and make sure they had access to something before turn in so they wouldn't over eat on it when turned in on it. The controlled grazing would be the way to go, making them eat a mixture instead of just the clover, maybe even cutting it...
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    feeding programs

    We're fortunate to have green grass here for feed.
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    A stab in the dark

    Not enough clues, but I'm thinking nutritional, parasites, and or sickness.
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    Your Opportunity to Chime in on Greg Judy's Methods

    There is a lot of information on the internet and it doesn't hurt to look at different perspectives of how things are done. I try to be open minded about the information I find and glean what I can from it for my own use. Apparently Greg's plan works well for him and I've gleaned some...
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    Protein requirements

    There is no blanket answer it all depends upon your reasons and needs for feeding. I may stir the pot some on this question or start another post depending on how this goes after a bit.
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    Winter rations

    Mine are strip grazing on stock piled sudex and what volunteer rye they can pick up. I did buy some 37% cubes and plan on giving them some a couple of times a week, about half of what I normally feed them. The strip grazing wasn't planned but the swather broke down, moving and the wife getting...
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    Junk calves

    Hay and brewers grain isn't going to make a complete ration.