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    Crippled bull

    Sorry to hear that! That’s a shame, and I know it makes you sick.
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    Crippled bull

    I hope he is just sore or sprained something, and nothing is broken or torn. Thats one thing I always worry about when bulls get together like that. They will scare you to death when you see one laying out like that.
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    Dehorning questions

    I’ve dehorned a couple with the XL bander and had good results as well. It was probably overkill, but I put gorilla tape over the bands to make sure they didn’t scrape them off or move them before they started digging in good.
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    Navel dip

    Good idea. That’s a good size. Looks a lot more durable than the solo cup I usually use too. Lol
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    New type of bottle

    That’s what it’s all about right there. Making memories to last a lifetime.
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    Lost an old Matron

    I’m right there with you. It’s really hard, especially when it’s one of the old girls that have been around so long. Sounds like she had a good long life with you there. Hopefully those coyotes will come down with lead poisoning soon, and won’t be causing you anymore trouble.
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    Lost an old Matron

    Sorry to hear that. It’s sad to see one of the old girls go, and hurts your billfold too when that happens. I’ve been guilty of keeping an old one around a little longer than I should before, and got burnt too. This winter weather can really take a lot out of them.
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    It would be worth trying a magnet, and while you have her up draw a blood and/or fecal sample to test for Johnes as others have said. With Johnes they typically still have a good appetite and appear to be fine other than watery poop and rapid weight loss no matter what you do. Your vet can send...
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    Problematic Bottle Calf

    I had a calf a few years ago that got a bad case of joint ill and my vet had me give the calf a shot of excede every 4 or 5 days for a few weeks until the calf was over the hump. He also had me give Banamine to help with the pain and inflammation during that time.
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    What happened to those three starved Beefmaster bulls?

    That stinks about the white face. He would have been my pick of the group. Good thing you had them tested. Money well spent.
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    Lost voice

    As long as it appears to be breathing normally and not acting droopy or with a runny nose, I wouldn’t be concerned. Some that bawl more than others will make themselves hoarse sometimes, kinda like we do after talking alot or hollering/cheering at an event. I would just monitor for coughing...
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    As a dear old member on here named Dun used to say “benign neglect.” I usually get a handful every year that show up with some warts around weaning time. They will go away on their own in a few weeks, and will never know they had them.
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    Banding a Almost 6 month old

    We've got a small herd, so I usually call the cows into the barnlot for a little feed to get them distracted, then grab the calf and take it into the barn or other side of a strong gate to band and tag it so can take our time without mama breathing down our necks. They get a lot faster and...
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    Banding a Almost 6 month old

    It sounds like you did good. As long as you got both testicles below it, you should be good. We always try to keep the band down a little from the top of the sack so it’s not right up against the body. Sometimes with newborns we almost have to milk the testicles down or let them move a little...
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    Young bull

    As some of the others have said if you are going to band them at a few days old, I would recommend the green cheerios. The bands and bander are cheapest, and our calves banded at a day or two old don’t skip a beat.
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    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    Good looking calf. Does it have some ear? It may just be the angle of the pic, but looks like Simbrah or Brafordx almost.
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    My Vets Closing their Practice

    We’re blessed to have a local large animal clinic in town that keeps 4-5 vets on staff. They primarily make farm calls instead of bringing them into them. Some of the other clinics in town that used to do some large animal have cut back to small animals and refer most of the large animal stuff...
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    bull with warts

    If I really liked him and the price was right, I wouldn’t let that be a deterrent. Those warts should fall off before too long, and not hurt anything. I’ll have one or two calves a year get them, then they fall off on their own in a few weeks.
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    Blind Calves

    Hi. I wouldn’t have concerns with eating one just because it was blind, but I think he is asking way too much for those calves though if they are blind. Im not sure your specific plans/goals, but if you’re wanting to process some in a couple months, I think you will want to buy some that are...
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    Miniature zebu question.

    Hi. I’m not familiar with your area, but you might want to check with a local vet or dairy if you I haven’t yet. The vet might be able to trim them, or the dairy might have a contact for someone in the area that they might have used before. The only potential issue I could see with those two...