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  1. tcolvin

    just, Good Morning!

    Should have been straight out of the pot, my typ-o
  2. tcolvin

    just, Good Morning!

    I know this is an old thread but you kinda sound like me. Drinking instant coffee with artificial sweetener and non dairy creamer just ain't drinking coffee. I like Luzzianne dark roast straight out not the pot. Hotter the best, especially if it's drip coffee. 😉
  3. tcolvin

    I think im good!

    Praise God, that’s good news to hear.✝️🛐
  4. tcolvin

    Good Morning, time to round up the livestock.

    That’s looks like one of my helpers. I got some great grand that would sleep in the pasture if mama and daddy would let them. Lol
  5. tcolvin

    Daily visit to the maternity ward

    That’s nice, only twice me I’ve ever had one was born dead but the other was very small and so far doing good. This happen about a week ago now.
  6. tcolvin

    Daily Chuckle

    They just love that trailer❤️
  7. tcolvin

    Daily Chuckle

    That is probably near correct.
  8. tcolvin

    Daily Chuckle

  9. tcolvin

    Daily Chuckle

    I laugh but me and my helper don’t hear too good and we go through this all time.
  10. tcolvin


    Thank GOD for it. My second Covid outbreak after about 3-4 weeks before I realized it. One night sitting in my recliner watching TV, I closed my left eye and there was no picture on the screen that I could make out. I began to look at other things and with both eyes I could see pretty well, but...
  11. tcolvin

    What have you done lately that made you question your intelligence?

    It’s why I started wearing suspenders. By the time I put my 6” knife, pliers, small channel locks, small crescent wrench, farm keys, truck keys and what was left over from day before such as screws, bits, wire nuts and such, a belt don’t stand a chance. By mid morning my pants will just fall...
  12. tcolvin

    Post a random thought

    God is good and that’s that. 😊
  13. tcolvin

    Arrest him

    I gotta get me an AR 15 camera!
  14. tcolvin

    Arrest him

    Wonder what size magazine he had in that camera????
  15. tcolvin

    Missing Keystrokes

    Mind miss spells all the time. I know it can’t be me. I type bull, it types bill. I type feed, it types fwwf. Can’t be big fingers, can it?
  16. tcolvin

    Fire Ants

    I feed mind with fire ant killer. They love it.
  17. tcolvin

    Would you use a classified section?

    I really have done no selling except at suction barn. I would love to explore this more. Never know until you try it.