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  1. R


    I like listening to that word. That and “aluminum”.
  2. R

    COOL passed?

    5% of GDP but 100% have to eat. It is not smart to contract out your food security to other nations but many are in the name of greenhouse gas reduction.
  3. R

    COOL passed?

    Mexico needs to worry about it’s image problem.
  4. R

    Got warm

    Have to feed early in the morning before everything thaws. A few days from now it won’t even freeze at night. Not normal, unsure if this is better or worse than too cold.
  5. R

    Got warm

    We are rapidly becoming mud city. If the frost goes out we are in real trouble. Not to mention the effect this could have on alfalfa plants.
  6. R

    Which describes you?

    A hammer and a lot of swearing is our current technique.
  7. R

    Which describes you?

    It all gets removed. What makes me cry is the rare bale where the wrap/twine goes all the way through the bale. What a pain.
  8. R

    When it is below zero.............

    Not worried about carbon monoxide?
  9. R

    Southern US cold snap?

    Check out Blegen Galloways and Glenfiddich Galloways. They have some good stock and are commercially relevant. With our up and down weather the last few winters I am considering trying it on my commercial herd to see if they can make some hardy momma cows.
  10. R

    Close the door Nesi!

    -43C makes your face hurt. Frostbite in less than 10 minutes. Everything you do takes forethought and planning. If your tractor with the engine heater will start and if you used enough additive to keep the diesel from gelling the hydraulic fluid is so thick the pump whines and nothing moves much...
  11. R

    Close the door Nesi!

    You don’t pee in that weather. Lose too much body heat.
  12. R


    Trade ya…
  13. R


    We’re only getting an inch or two on basically bare ground. Could use more, Canada is a coming to visit this weekend…
  14. R

    Winter boots

    I have friends that swear by Skellerup Quatro boots. I’ve managed to get enough miles out of my Muck boots I haven’t needed to try them yet.
  15. R


    Merry Christmas! Scary part is that your part of Alabama and my part of Wisconsin has the same weather forecast, just 5 degrees cooler here. We should be having a snowstorm but we’re getting 1.5” of rain instead. I have NEVER been able to leave a hose out on a float this time of year but started...
  16. R

    Oh, you poor wittle babies. Want a tissue?

    The fact that they had to come up with “adulting” to describe something we used to just do ( and wanted to!) says it all. I watched a segment on the news that said skin care products are the most asked for gift by pre-teen girls. One father is spending a grand a month on his kid’s skin care...
  17. R

    4 oz of Beef per day allowed?

    I guess we’ll know if they are right in 10-15 years when that population ages out. I work with a lot of younger folks and the majority wouldn’t know what to do with a beef roast. A lot of convenience foods and eating out. The art of cooking a decent meal is being lost on a lot of them.
  18. R

    Daily Chuckle

    I’m trying to figure out what is going on with that bovine’s undercarriage.
  19. R

    Post a random picture

    Eating one of those steaks in the Val de Chiana has been on my bucket list for years.
  20. R

    Missing submarine

    From what I understand if they are underwater and alive there is no way to save them. Too deep. Why they don’t even have a beacon is beyond me.