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  1. milkmaid

    Lurkers sign in here

    Yes actually graduated in 2015 (can't believe it's been almost 2 years!). I just work with cows so life is pretty awesome! ;-) :P
  2. milkmaid

    Lurkers sign in here

    5000 posts but I still mostly lurk these days.....
  3. milkmaid

    Question - Without being political if possible

    I work with a couple hundred Hispanics... not hearing any concerns from them so far. I don't think there'll be nearly as much deportation as the left thinks. After all, considering most DO have a SS card and passport that pass inspection, it'll be kinda hard to find the ones that weren't legal...
  4. milkmaid


    I'm kind of in awe... we are actually having an argument relating to which forum has more idiots. Wow. :roll: Let me make myself clear. As stated previously, I frequent KFC because there are interesting cow problems and an assortment of train wrecks. Not because the membership is better...
  5. milkmaid


    I think you're generalizing a little much, Luca... Anyway, it turns out CT has its share of people who shouldn't own cows. Pass the popcorn, I just pressed play. :P
  6. milkmaid

    Did you learn on your own with no help?

    It's a whole lot easier to learn working for someone else... How "planted" are you in Nebraska? I know a few places around the country that are pretty decent to learn about cows. I'll be honest though, the best education is a little like John Wayne's The Cowboys and it's a little brutal...
  7. milkmaid


    Hey! Turns out I have PMs from the winter I didn't know about, and we were apparently all thinking about each other at the same time. ha. :) Glad to realize I've been missed. I frequent the Keeping a Family Cow hobby board much more... there's always an interesting train wreck happening with...
  8. milkmaid

    That's my Idaho!!

    Haha. Compared to KY, yes, ID has winter. I had calves with frozen legs two weeks ago, and a cat with a frozen paw (the now-tripod is getting around great!). But the weather does keep a lot of the crazies out.
  9. milkmaid

    Why men dont like reading instuctions

  10. milkmaid

    I did it

    Congratulations Dave!
  11. milkmaid

    Turn off AC when at work?

    I leave mine off during the day if the dogs are outside. Now that I have a litter of new pups inside, I've been keeping the AC on so the dam is comfortable.... :lol: My electric bill doesn't seem to be affected by whether the AC is on or not, haven't figured out what uses the most energy. I'm...
  12. milkmaid

    Donald Trump You're FIRED

    I have a hard time buying into someone who makes derogatory statements about people or areas he obviously knows nothing about. I work with about 300 of those immigrants every day. Some legal, pretty sure some are not. I don't know which is which. Pretty darned good people, most of them, and...
  13. milkmaid


    Happy birthday Randi!
  14. milkmaid

    Vaccinate your kids, Pastuerize your milk

    Jo - Wow. :o WSU doesn't require the rabies vaccine, although it is available. I'd guess between 1/3 and 1/2 of my class is vaccinated. I didn't have the extra cash at the time and it didn't seem essential (vs my classmates with an interest in zoo animals or traveling to other countries) so am...
  15. milkmaid

    Vaccinate your kids, Pastuerize your milk

    For those who want more citations regarding vaccines and autism... here: ... tudies.pdf Studies up to 535,000 children are referenced. Terms like "available evidence," "revealed no relationship," "suggest," etc are all normal scientific lingo for research...
  16. milkmaid

    Mobile Phone Survey

    I don't own a smart phone, but might access the forum with one if I had it.
  17. milkmaid

    Off the computer.

    I almost never join these discussions, but shucks.... why not. Off the computer; young enough to still refuse to admit to a number. :lol: Just me and two dogs and plan to keep it that way. I dabble in a bit of everything - skiing, dancing, photography, dog shows, writing, hunting, play piano...
  18. milkmaid

    country music

    Here's the link: I think the other might have been posted from a mobile phone? Not a fan of most of those songs and certainly not Florida Georgia Line... but it is a neat idea, I'll give it that. I can only take Maddie and Tae so many times in a day...
  19. milkmaid

    States you've visited--create a map.................... ... A-WA-WI-WY And I've lived in seven of them. I could count quite a few more if I add the ones I drifted through as a kid that I don't remember, lol. These are just in the past 8ish years. I'll be in TX, maybe OK in a few weeks but it seems a little...
  20. milkmaid

    ~pull up a chair... and come on in~

    Working Christmas week, off New Years (but have a very hard time taking vacation as vacation so already have plans for the entire thing, lol). I start overnights in the barn (ICU shifts with the horses, cows, goats... and whatever else they have in there) tomorrow so plan on being up late...