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    Cow Pony

    enjoy that new ride.looks like its nice and heavy.
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    Selling old cows

    sell the old cows and dont think twice about it.i look at selling my cows once they are 10yrs old.because at that age or older you run the risk of them getting sick and dieing.
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    Purchasing ATV

    i know honda offers deals at differant times of the year.i never have bought when i thought was a good time to buy.i always when i need it.
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    Freezer beef

    i prefer to eat my own home raised beef over store beef.we have the meat cut into steaks for frying and hamberger meat.need to put 1 in the pen to feed out for 120 days or less now.i cant see feeding them to 1200lbs.
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    Growing the herd...

    congrats on that new grandbaby.
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    Working Longer

    if your smart you wont ever retire to the point of sitting down.because ive seen and know people that done that.well they didnt live to much ive slowed down alot in the last 4yrs due tobe rough on my body.but i never intend to oldest is 60 now and he is helping my nephew...
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    old age

    all of my friends think im crazy for still doing some wild stuff from time to lucky in that i havent broken any bones yet and i hope i dont.
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    old age

    CB thats why i wont body has slowed me down enough as it is.i told the nephew it wouldnt work.but he is young and hasnt learned yet.just last week he was penning some on his vcows.1 went off on him and put him 15ft in the air.cut his arm real deep at the bend of the elbow.when he came...
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    old age

    ive got some family that says i need to sell out sitt down and quit.but i wont ever do that because ive seen what happens to some that do keeping it wrapped and antibotic cream on it.done gone through 2 lil tubes so far.friends saw it and thought it was a holloween joke and i said no its...
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    old age

    well we all get older and realizing that the older i get.caught a big 600lb bull calf im going to nephew says he is in the corral.lets go halter him and lead him to a corral down the road where another bull calf we tie to the ATV i start slowly well he has just enough...
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    The benefit of low cattle prices.

    with the low prices ive got a dink bull calf that i may pen and put on feed.but not sure yet as the freezer is full.
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    Milk dump.

    the gov started paying a support price on milk after 2000.that only kicks in if 3.5 milk falls below a certain price range.they only pay you for the 1st 2.6 millon pounds of milk produced.anything over that sells for the lower our county the dairy business is just about dead.a few more...
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    Is this the beginning?

    In which direction? I know Mt Pleasant is very green...not sure about SS.. North of paris is dry.. we are about 20mi east of mount pleasant.
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    Is this the beginning?

    we .75 inch of rain this morning enough to settle the dust.
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    Is this the beginning?

    im about 40mi from you.the rains have missed us.when some places in dallas got 5 in of rain a week or so ago around mckinny and plano.our cows eat 2 big bales in 2 days or less right now.but we are still fully stocked.we sent a bumper load of heavies monday ave weight 800lbs.
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    Is this the beginning?

    CG i hate to tell you this but we are in a drought.its bone dry around here.we are feeding hay already.pools are low.filling a 700 gal trough up 4 times a day.all thats left is to get as meny calves as we can gone.if it dont let up pretty soon we will be culling cows.
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    wifes got stomach cancer

    dang DB so sorry to hear about your loss.been there and done that when my great neice was born who now is 4yrs old.we found her daddy had the big C when she was born.he lasted 16 thankful your son had almost 10yrs with momma he will remember great neice will only have what we...
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    i guess im lucky as chiggers hate me and my blood.they really dont bother me and i walk in thick heavy i dont put anything on to deture them.
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    favorite merle song

    i love all of gorges songs.everytime i talk to an old buddy we end up talking about george and the wild stuff he got into.
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    favorite merle song

    all of merles songs are my fav.thats like asking wich geoge jones song is your fav.