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  1. Supa Dexta

    Members gone?

    You hear tell of the populations IQ dropping over time... I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but if I wanted to talk about cattle, coming here for anecdotes and bickering doesn't cut it.
  2. Supa Dexta

    Buster Scruggs

    I would have actually preferred a longer story of each. Buster esp could be an interesting character.
  3. Supa Dexta

    Super Dave Osborne has

    Never heard of him, but RIP.
  4. Supa Dexta

    Getting My Butt Pulled Out

    6 bales wouldnt get me thru my morning feeding. Only 175 days to go...
  5. Supa Dexta


    Had 11. Used to be upwards of 70-80 in the 90s.
  6. Supa Dexta

    Registered vs Commercial

    Until you guys start running your cows thru a scale -regularly- you have no idea what your cows weigh.
  7. Supa Dexta

    Megyn Kelly.. said "blackface" on air... fire her? extreme racism.

    Fake outrage, what else is new. Its all the 'news' is built upon these day. A new plague or major economic crash would do the world some good, give people something worthy to actually worry about.
  8. Supa Dexta

    Any Thoughts

    25% unemployment back then is a lot different then it would be today. Now you have women in the work force also, you may luck out and have one that keeps her job, but more likely both people were needed to be bringing in money in the first place. There are also many more jobs that are...
  9. Supa Dexta

    O High Canada ?

    Was weed put on earth by god or the devil?
  10. Supa Dexta


    What do you want to know? Never been, but some of my family has. Nice place, not near the trouble around as used to be in the <90s. Lots of farming around.
  11. Supa Dexta

    Hurricane Michael put electric cost in perspective.

    It's no wonder americans have lots of money to 'consume stuff', you pay less for everything... except health care. I know of regular 4 person house hold bills over $1000 dollars here in the winter, for 2 month periods. No barns, no machines, just the house
  12. Supa Dexta

    ***Out of commission *** Heres my story

    Give this a watch, ignore the depression part - thats a small part of it.
  13. Supa Dexta


    I was talking to an engineer at a large plastic production facility not long ago - he laughed as he said they could produce enough plastic for the worlds straws in like a shift or shift and a half. Its all just feel good horse pucky they're feeding the public.
  14. Supa Dexta


    - Tariffs imposed on lumber - Lumber prices have jumped dramatically - Lumber yards stogged full But yet some can't follow the chain of events.
  15. Supa Dexta

    Tough Question to answer

    I have a buddy who got into home inspections the last few years. He's always busy, and they are like 400 bux a pop. Couple a day and you're sitting pretty as you don't really have much for expenses.
  16. Supa Dexta

    Fourth of July in Canada?

    Baled and wrapped. Been over 100f here lately,
  17. Supa Dexta

    Joey Chestnut does it again..........

    Not exactly oh there it is
  18. Supa Dexta

    Death of a dairy farm

    Wouldnt be allowed to sell milk up here with facilities like that.
  19. Supa Dexta

    Trade Imbalance

    'Let's move all manufacturing and technology (that made you the world power house) to china so we can buy cheap sh*t and not have to deal with regulations, workers rights, environmental concerns..etc..' '..Wait, why are we paying china for all of our stuff now!! China is so terrible for this...
  20. Supa Dexta

    Where did my post go?

    Board was down and they seem to have lost a segment of time.