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  1. S

    Can't see this happening is the US of A.

    ^ I agree everyone standing around watching is pretty crazy. There several guys standing there doing nothing. Bunch of sissies
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    Asking prayers for my Mother

    Praying for your mother
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    Coffee brand? ... M0QgTYIuAU That's what I have except it has 3 warmers and is hooked into a waterline
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    Coffee brand?

    Folders and dunkin
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    Thinking of moving to Texas

    That is the area I was most interested in.
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    Thinking of moving to Texas

    I think I may plan a family "vacation" to Texas this spring.
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    Thinking of moving to Texas

    Been doing a little looking on the internet myself. 7500 per acre is out of my budget, is that the going rate for property in your area?
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    Thinking of moving to Texas

    Yeah i know, lol. I wouldn't be wanting to change anything though. This state is ran by Chicago and the rest of us has to deal with it. Our whole family lives hear and that makes the decision to move so far away difficult esp for the wife. I worry about starting out our children in a place that...
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    Thinking of moving to Texas

    Currently we live in extreme southern Illinois. I have been thing if relocating for some time but my wife is not quite in board. Would like some advice or opinions on Texas from those that live there. Currently we operate a plumbing and excavation business here, are the job opportunities for...
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    Water softener

    You may have done this already, but if not have your water tested 1st ( independent place not a softner company). Many people install softners and do not need them.
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    What is this called?

    :o I hope it wasn't in use!! We call it a phone pedistal
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    And there we go

    Do you think St. Jude's is wrong also? Only serving the children? The church should help and love everyone, but i don't agree with requiring them to perform services that go against what they believe. Why would a homosexual couple want have there marriage ceremony in a place that didn't...
  13. S

    what did you do at your day job today

    Fixed a broken Water main that had about 300 homes a school and a large business shut down.
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    On the hunt for my babies

    Cattle are not an animal I would raise if I wanted to think the were going to be "alright" after I sold them.
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    The Eclipse

    Exact same situation here, except WE are supposed to have the longest totality. Lol
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    The Eclipse

    We're about ten miles from center of the whole thing, Makanda IL. Gonna lock the gates and stay at the farm all weekend. Hoping for no emergency calls (plumber) . There expecting over 500,000 to come into a area of 4-5 counties that have less than 125,000 residents normally
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    Clothes Leaving the House

    [quote One type of dress that I think is Mixed up these days is the "country boy" attire. These days, if someone wants to display that they are just a country boy and not trying to be flashy, they feel they have to wear Redwings with a touch of manure, a t-shirt, and John Deere cap everywhere...
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    Funeral Customs

    Whatever is the cheapest option is what I will go with at the time, cremation or buried on my own ground. No ceremony, casket, or gravesite. If creamation they can do with my ashes what they wish, if buried the worms can have at it. Once I am dead I have no use for this body, it blows my...
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    I wear under the shirt suspenders, never know they're there but they keep my britches up.
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    Dad's Old Black Shoes

    My " dress boots" are slip on redwings that I haven't worked in yet. I just rotate boots when work boots are done I buy new dress boots and old dress boots are now work boots.