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  1. Little Cow

    The middle East is about to implode.....

    I see us bending to Putin's will far too much for our own good. Lots of weird things at play here. Impulsiveness is not the way to handle the Middle East.
  2. Little Cow

    What's your story?

    I just live here. I think the cows bought me.
  3. Little Cow

    Frost on the pumpkin

    Pumpkins are really tough to grow down here. Squash is fine because it matures faster than the bugs can decimate it. Pumpkins just sit there too long. All our pumpkins are immigrants from other states. :lol:
  4. Little Cow

    Movies that glorify bad guys

    I’m just tired of shootings. We have to get better about keeping crazy people from getting guns. I feel safer where we live because a lot of ex-military have CCLs around here. I know they’re packing at church. But, dang, there’s got to be a better way. I substitute teach. Seems like there’s...
  5. Little Cow

    Movies that glorify bad guys

    For those going careful. FBI has an alert about chatter. We don’t really go to theaters much anymore. Too many crazy people. First reviews I read panned it.
  6. Little Cow

    Movies that glorify bad guys

    The Batman movie coming out today..... They expect violence because of the Colorado shooting during the last one. They EXPECT it. Yet, the movie studio only 'scaled back' their events at the opening. They could have opened at less theaters or had less show times. They could have done a...
  7. Little Cow

    Another shot dead by Mpls police

    Wow. They need to screen officers and train officers much better. That definitely sounds like she had an altered mental state.
  8. Little Cow

    Another shot dead by Mpls police

    Glad this case is over. The man was sitting on the couch relaxing. Situational awareness is learned. Anyone can learn it. It's taught to police and military. Most women learn it as young ladies because they are more likely to get attacked when alone, especially in the city. That's why...
  9. Little Cow

    Forbes article

    I think the silent majority of people won't give up their beef easily. We can do it better and with less damage to the environment. Importing beef means more burning rainforests.
  10. Little Cow


    Only a deep love of one's country, and a determination that it can, and should, correct corruption, is the best manifestation of patriotism, imho. Questioning another's patriotism is a cheap shot taken right out of Trump's playbook. It means you really have nothing valuable to add to the...
  11. Little Cow


    Wow, CB. That is just about the most offensive thing anyone has ever written about me on a message board. You have no idea what you're saying. I will turn the other cheek.
  12. Little Cow


    Yes, obviously I loathe the country that I served during war (sarcasm). US consumers need to be more savvy than our European counterparts. Don't let anyone spoon feed you.
  13. Little Cow


    The European countries ban more things than we do. Unfortunately, our universities have allowed industry money into research. Some funded research was helpful, when the funders (big corporations) didn't influence the research. Now, the corporate money directs the research, which undermines...
  14. Little Cow

    what are you listening to right now

    Most of the irish that came to the states were indentured servants.....a very small step above a true slave. Oh yes. Lots of people voluntarily signed up to serve in exchange for passage. Cromwell's servants/slaves were different in the manner in which they were brought to the colonies and...
  15. Little Cow

    what are you listening to right now

    Our son and I love to explore music. We are exploring a little reggae right now. The ancestry of the people of Jamaica are a mix of African slaves brought over by colonizers and Irish slaves sent by Cromwell. I think 25% of Jamaicans claim Irish ancestry. Unlike on the mainland, the slaves...
  16. Little Cow

    Attack on the cattle industry continues

    Yang and Harris are young, fringe candidates that will fade away after the primary. They have to say outrageous things to get any attention at all. The chosen Democrat (either Biden, Warren, or Sanders) will become more centrist as soon as they become the candidate. Centrist Democrats will...
  17. Little Cow

    Craigslist Cattle

    This bull. $1,200 is a bargain. Look at that come hither look. He's a sure thing. If they just got him to stand straight, he would look a bit better.
  18. Little Cow

    Redneck lost a monkey

    Greybeard, I am not sure an emotional support axe would be more welcome on a plane than an emotional support monkey. Unless, you explained that the monkey needed the emotional support axe and you needed the monkey, therefore, if they had any problems, take it up with the monkey. Personally...
  19. Little Cow

    Redneck lost a monkey

    That is too weird. There is another story floating around about some woman in Missouri with three emotional support monkeys. Why the heck does she need three? Do they work in shifts? :lol: I am rather sick of emotional support animals altogether. What might be needed by a few has become...
  20. Little Cow


    I'm twitching from having just read the words "Chinese tallow". Hate those trees. Nice prank. Is Multicultural Grazing another term for Lazy A** Pasture Management?