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    Everything ok in your world ? I’ve watched for you but you haven’t said much
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    June 11

    57 degrees It’s been around 60 the last several mornings and yesterday never got out of the 70’s. I read that we’ve yet to hit 90 this year. Normally we are hitting a 100 or real close to it everyday. It’s been a strange spring.
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    North Texas and Oklahoma

    I saw a post on FB of a huge tornado in Jefferson City MO yesterday
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    North Texas and Oklahoma

    Water gap was out, everything flooded and missing 5 cows, but I found them and got them back where they belong.
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    North Texas and Oklahoma

    I talked to a buddy of mine and he said all we got was lots of rain but no bad stuff thank goodness. I’ll make a trip early in the morning to check thinks out. I saw Mangum, Horbart area had a one them big divorce toranado’s that take your house, pickup, dog and everything you own.
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    North Texas and Oklahoma

    Weather man says it could very bad today and tonight. Tornado’s, large hail and flooding.
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    Whose Farming and Whose Not

    Farming is tough to break into. Even if you’re born into it. Tractors, equipment, seed, fertilizer, crop insurance and etc is so expensive. A million dollar operating loan is common with the hopes of making a 100k if you make a crop. In cotton country new baler pickers are 700k, tractors are...
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    :bday: I miss this guy
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    Caustic Burno

    Happy birthday. :bday:
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    Marketing or bashing

    How do you preserve “ meat sticks” without nitrides or nitrates ?
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    Marketing or bashing
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    Wish there was a like button
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    What Is Wrong?

    Just out of curiosity. What’s the best underwear out there ? Mine are too small in the waist but too big in the leg. It’s like trying to put underwear on a ballon 😂
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    What’s wrong with people?

    Cow mutilated in Comanche County, Oklahoma
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    The off grid/minimalist/homesteading lifestyle

    When I first got the place I have now I didn’t have water or electricity. I lived several months hauling water in 5 gallon jugs and ran a generator. I could do it easy except air conditioning. That’s the only thing that I couldn’t run on solar/batteries. Preserving meat would be a challenge...
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    RIP Mason Lowe

    Every time something like this happens it breaks my heart. You think about all the life he missed out on. His wife lost her husband and his child lost their father. There are riches to be made riding bulls if you’re good enough, lucky enough to stay healthy or alive.
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    pretty good article about what kids today are going through...

    I think we put too much emphasis on education. My boys for example learned to work. My father in law worked them on the farm and taught them how to weld, drive, fix equipment, drive a tractor and etc. On the weekends they helped me work cattle, build fence, cut firewood and so on. I don’t think...
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    2019 bring it on

    It was very similar to this ... pZER8jtBGM