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  1. B

    Am I the only one?

    I'm more than a bit skeptical about some of the "facts" and figures in this article.....and know very well that these government programs come with many many layers of bureaucracy.......and always a CYA attitude. I can only remember my father's stories and his implied warning about involvement...
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    I've got 4 young...(10 months)...bulls to start to market in this heavily Angus area....I guess I'm still a contarious person.......will probably cross them later with something black. ?? But they are the most gentle and adaptive cows I've owned over the 40+ years.
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    Cash Sale

    Once I break a 100$ into 20's they melt away like snow on a sunny 65 degree here in the South..!!!
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    One of my first Ag Econ classes mentioned how farmers purchased their inputs at retail....and sold their products at wholesale......and try to make up the difference on volume...:LOL: So i suppose I took that nugget to heart. The practice definitely paid better in the long run. Currently a...
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    Some of you guys may have a fortune laying around...........

    Definitely....!!!! Especially on these cold, damp days
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    Baxter Black is retiring for health reasons.

    One of a kind.......have missed his writings after the print edition of CT stopped
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    74 a couple of months ago.......grew up on a small farm outside Memphis....(and Raleigh is almost part of the expanding "hood) dad was 44 when I was born...(brother and sister came along later)....we raised everything on this little depression era farm....cotton, corn...
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    Tom T Hall

    ..........I have a mostly George Strait soundtrack.......playing in my head.....when I'm driving my old open station tractor.
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    Trump had committed to a troop withdrawal by May 1.......just a few weeks ago. But if you were to research the concept of the Great Game, it will make you both angry and sad. Also nation building doesn't work when the tribal bonds are primary in their heart. My brother worked there...
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    pole saw recommendation

    Stihl......easy starting, with a new chain it really chews through quickly.....avoiding a pinched chain
  11. B

    War on beef in the west brother was a fairly recent county agent in southern last visit with him had me really alerted to the lack of water that was forcing so many of the older ranchers into early retirement. Have there been many youngsters to take their place?? And I'm not...
  12. B

    War on beef in the west

    Just a bit more of the "craziness" on the horizon......when so many people know so little about their food sources..!!! And understand so little when it's publicized. The dumbing down of this great country has been going on for a long time......just the foot on that accelerator has been...
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    Just lost a dentist friend Monday.........he wore masks, gloves.....all the per usual............was in good shape for his age. In hospital for a few weeks......had improved.......his wife said...."his lungs were mush". And she's a straight shooting woman.
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    Trumps Mt Rushmore Speech

    To HDRider.....great all.......Whatever has happened to basic Civics courses in high school???? And where the h... has common sense gone..???
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    Harry and Meghan ?

    ......Life in a fish bowl...??? and the tabloids there are bloodthirsty. What's the value of a "normal" life compared to semi-constant hounding..??? They won't ever have to worry about money anyway....??
  16. B

    Artificial Insemination Training/school

    I just have 1 recent course......March 2018......was very thorough......liked the instructors........Mississippi State in Starkville.
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    I had a brief chat with my friend's brother......The hay barn is windows or skylights. He stored the rolls 3 high. In a portion of the barn were stored a group of small square bales which my friend was pulling out a few. With him working in the semi-darkness, he didn't notice...
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    About 4 years ago I lost a good friend.....he was a fit 74 year old guy....former long haul driver. He was found underneath a 1200 lb roll of hay.....tractor still running.....just in the midst of a routinue feeding. This afternoon a car showed up in the de je...
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    Beyond Meat

    Noticing that this initial public offering on today's stockmarket was to open at $25.....but opened at $46.....then to $65 per share........I missed out...of course :( ..........but I'll put some charcoal in the grill and find some real ground chuck for my burgers. :banana:
  20. B

    Dead ought to be buried where they live

    I've arranged to go back to "school' and become an anatomy lab cadaver. I learned so much from my old "buddy" there. So my return will be ok.......then it's off to cremation and a sprinkle of me in the doorways of 40 pubs in Ireland.....tracked in and out for years to come.....!!!! A toast...