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    Been keeping a bale out for the cows to pick at to go with the green grass, and noticed the hay ring was missing. Bull must have flipped it over and on her somehow since it was upside down. She had pushed it about 50 yards trying to figure a way out I guess. Glad it happened to one of my gentle...
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    Neat to see that. That would make for a lot of hard work. Young man is learning some important life lessons helping his family.
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    I was wondering what the Robin at the barn was fussing about. Dang blacksnake got into it’s nest and got the babies. I’m just glad it didnt fall down on my head. I would have made up all kinds of new cuss words and had to change my britches. Lol.
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    Too close for comfort.

    That was close. I’m glad you were ok, compared to how bad that could have been. I’d say that hurt on the nose like that and bled pretty bad. Hard to do much of anything with those longhorns in a chute. That was always my concern with big horned cattle if they ran into a problem and needed...
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    Did ya ever sell a place then go back and look at it a few years later and think...

    Sad to see that after all you put into it. Things can take so much time and work to build up right, then get undone and rundown in no time. Like taking the time to put up a nice fence just to have a a bull tear through it in a matter of seconds and leave you with the aftermath.
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    I’m like those Brahman girls and don’t like the cold, wet weather.
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    This girl had her calf on a perfect day before we got several inches of rain and cooler temperatures. They usually hold out for the bad weather to get here to have them in, so I was proud of her. In the picture she looks like she’s snorting and giving the stink eye for us to stay back, but she’s...
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    Which describes you?

    I take twine off every bale. My cattle are always finding ways to get in trouble. Removing the twine is one less avenue for them to do that- no ingestion, no tangled heads or feet, and no ripped out ear tags from it. It’s not fun when the weather is bad or I’m in a hurry, but to me it’s worth...
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    I think im good!

    That’s great news! I know that is a huge relief for you, and a load off your mind. Take plenty of time to celebrate!
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    Camera didn’t do the sunset and clouds justice on my drive out to the farm yesterday.
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    Google links to cattle today?

    Yep. I think a lot of folks find out about cattle today when they are looking online for answers to problems or questions they might have and click on links to here.
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    Happy 4th

    Happy 4th to everyone. That song is still one of my favorites. God bless our troops and God Bless America!
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    Just or you Ouchita

    That’s great- the way it was meant to be. Congratulations to them!
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    Yep. We always go the back way when we have to go to Gatlinburg or P.F. There are no good days/time of year to go there anymore. It’s crazy all the time.
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    That will be a nightmare there, at least in the beginning. . It’s busy enough now with bass pro and other traffic there. Somebody mentioned they were gonna put in another road or exit just for that. Not sure how true that is though.
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    We hit that one up last month. A big storm had just blown through and knocked out the gas pumps and credit card machines inside. Made it a little crazy for the employees there having to try to come outside and cover up the pumps so folks would know they were down and tell everybody in the store...
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    Happy Resurrection Sunday

    He is risen indeed!
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    I didn't know how much I have missed you folks

    Welcome back!
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    2nd Amendment

    Good on the customers that intervened. I’m glad that ended without any shots fired. If things like this happened a little more often, these criminals might think twice before they attempt stuff like that. This is a good example of properly trained citizens diffusing a situation, and responsibly...
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    Where's Buck?

    I hope he comes back. He was a valuable asset to the board with his veterinary knowledge and expertise. I enjoyed his cattle related posts.