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  1. spinandslide

    Brahman x Holstein Pictures

    Like these calves! See what you were talking about with my speckeled brangus..if you remember that thread abit of aways back?
  2. spinandslide

    Jersey Bull calf

    When my bottle calf got ill..and I am talking rack of bones, death's door, all sane people would have given up sick..I dosed her with Corrid, BioSponge, and God..Im having a antibotic my vet gave me, with raised eyebrows and a headshake..She also got IV fluids..I pulled her outta it...
  3. spinandslide

    Jersey Bull calf

    Good Dog Buddy!!!
  4. spinandslide

    Cattle To Survive The Heat Wave

    Alot of folks I am talking to are having problems finding haulers to HAUL to hay down here..apparently hay hauling doesnt make alot of money for the truckers. friend of mine got a semi of Brome hay from Kansas for her horses..its REALLY nice stuff. She said they were lucky to get on this guy's...
  5. spinandslide

    Gelbvieh as a "Family" breed

    Ive personally never been around the Gelbvieh breed..they sound like a lovely breed.. but as a mother, I do strongly urge you to exercise caution. seems like once a month we read about a "gentle" or "pet" cow taking out it's owner. Gentle cattle are great..all mine's the turning them...
  6. spinandslide

    horses working cows

    Yep and Yep... Letting a stranger on your asking for many times the "cowboy" is a dumbass who only has two speeds..stop and balls to the wall. and if he's got a dog with him, the critter runs cows thru fences..nope..My 10 year old son can work cattle better horseback...
  7. spinandslide

    Hybrid Vigor & Brangus cattle

    Has herford been mentioned yet? :lol: I am not a guru like some of these posters are..but no doubt in my mind what my choice would be
  8. spinandslide

    Best Breed for New Cattle Owner?

    I second this advice..I admit, the one breed on your list I seriously looked at with Simmental..and they have a good youth program, which was appealing to me and my situation.. I to would like to say how nice it is to see such a mature, thoughtful young are going about this the...
  9. spinandslide

    Simmental cows

    Guy I know in my area runs his registered Sim cows on a registered Angus bulls. those girls put out some REALLY nice looking calves. I was super impressed with them.. My first experience standing next to a Sim cow..pretty sureal in how big some of them truly are(width AND height!)..well, at...
  10. spinandslide


    Exactly my thoughts..Id highlight improper handling as well.. ;-)
  11. spinandslide

    Favorite breed poll

  12. spinandslide

    Favorite breed poll

  13. spinandslide

    Favorite breed poll

    Damn, Hereford is WAY out there!
  14. spinandslide


    Good post Cypress..:) Melking, I one knows it all..we all are continously learning..I look at any snag or problem that I have as a learning experience...learn all you can so you can be as prepared as possible...and I am by FAR a newb in raising cattle...and I have made my fair share...
  15. spinandslide

    Angus people

    thanks for all those who responded.. Its a hypthetical question merely. I was quoted a price on a weanling son of his..which is a tremendous tremendous weanling..but I wanted to see if the price I was quoted fit what his sons are bringing. I realize the weanlings dam plays into this as...
  16. spinandslide

    Angus people

    For those involved in registered Angus..what would you expect to pay for a weanling son of New Design 878?? weanling that is bull material I should say.
  17. spinandslide

    SimAngus Bull Calf

    I like him from the photos. :) This cross seems like a good cross, from the cattle Ive seen.
  18. spinandslide

    Pasture Ornaments vs Hamburger Hooves

    Wonder if it has to do with the name Speckles? Friend of mine has a LH cow named that...she can be a pill at times Ive been told. :lol:
  19. spinandslide

    Pasture Ornaments vs Hamburger Hooves

    Its the truth..I like looking at longhorns, but they dont sell well around here..they take a very big hit in the salebarn. I went with the old with ear...they always seem popular down my way. :) But im of the mindset, whatever floats your boat and makes you happy.
  20. spinandslide

    Pasture Ornaments vs Hamburger Hooves

    Bottom line and IVe said this before.. Its your money Your time your animals.. piss on anyone who wants to cut you down. :) I am glad you are enjoying your longhorns. a friend of mine raises them..he doesnt do it for profit, simply because he enjoys it. in this area, he takes a big hit at the...